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By: Edgar Saltus (1855-1921)

Book cover The Lords of the Ghostland A History of the Ideal
Book cover Historia Amoris: A History of Love, Ancient and Modern
Book cover Eden An Episode
Book cover The Paliser case
Book cover The Pace That Kills A Chronicle

By: Parker Fillmore (1878-1944)

Book cover The Hickory Limb

By: Edgar Saltus (1855-1921)

Book cover The Truth About Tristrem Varick A Novel
Book cover A Transient Guest and Other Episodes

By: Parker Fillmore (1878-1944)

A Little Question in Ladies' Rights by Parker Fillmore A Little Question in Ladies' Rights

By: Robert Dodsley (1703-1764)

Book cover The Toy Shop (1735) The King and the Miller of Mansfield (1737)

By: St. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1553)

Book cover The Autobiography of St. Ignatius

This account of the life of St. Ignatius, dictated by himself to Father Gonzalez, is a most valuable record of the great Founder of the Society of Jesus. It, more than any other work, gives an insight into the spiritual life of St. Ignatius. Few works in ascetical literature, except the writings of St. Teresa and St. Augustine, impart such a knowledge of the soul.The saint in his narrative always refers to himself in the third person, and this mode of speech has here been retained. Many persons who have neither the time, nor, perhaps, the inclination, to read larger works, will read, we trust, with pleasure and profit this autobiography...

By: Edward W. (Edward Woodall) Naylor (1867-1934)

Book cover Shakespeare and Music With Illustrations from the Music of the 16th and 17th centuries

By: Laura F. [Editor] Freck

Book cover Short Stories of Various Types

By: Amy Carmichael (1867-1951)

Book cover Things as They Are Mission Work in Southern India

By: Philip Gibbs (1877-1962)

Book cover Now It Can Be Told

In this book I have written about some aspects of the war which, I believe, the world must know and remember, not only as a memorial of men's courage in tragic years, but as a warning of what will happen again--surely--if a heritage of evil and of folly is not cut out of the hearts of peoples. Here it is the reality of modern warfare not only as it appears to British soldiers, of whom I can tell, but to soldiers on all the fronts where conditions were the same... The purpose of this book is to get...

By: Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker (1879-1966)

Book cover Bacon's Rebellion, 1676

By: Georgie Sheldon (1843-1926)

Book cover His Heart's Queen

By: Philip Gibbs (1877-1962)

Book cover From Bapaume to Passchendaele, 1917

By: Georgie Sheldon (1843-1926)

Book cover Virgie's Inheritance

By: Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker (1879-1966)

The Planters of Colonial Virginia by Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker The Planters of Colonial Virginia

By: Philip Gibbs (1877-1962)

Book cover The Soul of the War

By: Georgie Sheldon (1843-1926)

Book cover True Love's Reward

By: George W. Ogden (1871-1966)

Book cover Trail's End

When an agriculture professor wanders into a wicked Kansas cowtown in order to experiment raising wheat, both the professor and the town get more than they bargain for. A wild and wooly Western.

By: George W. Ogden (1871-1966)

Book cover The Rustler of Wind River

By: Georgie Sheldon (1843-1926)

Book cover Mona
Book cover Katherine's Sheaves

By: George W. Ogden (1871-1966)

Book cover The Bondboy
Book cover The Flockmaster of Poison Creek
Book cover Claim Number One

By: Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker (1879-1966)

Book cover Virginia under the Stuarts 1607-1688
Book cover Give Me Liberty The Struggle for Self-Government in Virginia
Book cover Patrician and Plebeian Or The Origin and Development of the Social Classes of the Old Dominion

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