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By: Charles Norris Williamson

The Golden Silence by Charles Norris Williamson The Golden Silence

Trying to get away from an engagement he had got himself into more or less against his will, Stephen Knight travels to Algiers to visit his old friend Nevill. On the Journey there he meets the charming and beautiful Victoria. She is on her way to Algiers to search for her sister, who had disappeared years ago after marrying an Arab nobleman. With the support of his friend, Stephen Knight decides to help the girl - but when she also disappears, the adventure begins...

By: Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560)

Book cover A Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope

The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (1537) (Latin, Tractatus de Potestate et Primatu Papae), The Tractate for short, is the seventh Lutheran credal document of the Book of Concord. Philip Melanchthon, its author, completed it on February 17, 1537 during the assembly of princes and theologians in Smalcald.

By: Charles Norris Williamson (1859-1920)

Book cover The Car of Destiny
Book cover My Friend the Chauffeur
Book cover A Soldier of the Legion
Book cover The Motor Maid
Book cover The Lion's Mouse
The Brightener by Charles Norris Williamson The Brightener
Book cover The Heather-Moon
Book cover Secret History Revealed By Lady Peggy O'Malley
Book cover The Princess Virginia
Book cover Set in Silver
Book cover Vision House
Book cover The Port of Adventure
Book cover Everyman's Land
Book cover Winnie Childs The Shop Girl

By: William W.Denslow (1856-1915)

Book cover Denslow's Mother Goose
Book cover Denslow's Three Bears
Book cover Denslow's Humpty Dumpty

By: Pierre Louÿs (1870-1925)

Book cover Ancient Manners Also Known As Aphrodite

By: Richard A. Proctor (1837-1888)

Book cover Chance and Luck
Book cover Half-hours with the Telescope Being a Popular Guide to the Use of the Telescope as a Means of Amusement and Instruction.
Book cover Half-Hours with the Stars A Plain and Easy Guide to the Knowledge of the Constellations
Book cover Myths and Marvels of Astronomy

By: Agnes von Blomberg Bensly

Our Journey to Sinai by Agnes von Blomberg Bensly Our Journey to Sinai

Fortress-walled Saint Catherine's monastery on the Sinai peninsula has been a pilgrimage site since its founding by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the 6th century. According to tradition, the monastery sits at the base of the mountain where Moses received the Tablets of the Law. Set in rugged country, accessible in times past only by a many days journey by camel across barren desert, the monastery survived intact through the centuries, and, as a result, became a rich repository of religious history—told through its icons, mosaics, and the books and manuscripts in the monastery library...

By: Hattie Greene Lockett (1880-1962)

Book cover The Unwritten Literature of the Hopi

By: Frank Henderson

Six Years in the Prisons of England by Frank Henderson Six Years in the Prisons of England

A Merchant talks about daily life inside prisons of England, describes routines and how prisoners are treated. He notes stories of how fellow prisoners came to be in prison, and his ideas about the penal system, its downfalls and ways to improve it. The reader can see similarities to the problems we still have in regarding "criminals" today. (Introduction by Elaine Webb)

By: W. H. (William Herbert) Simmons

Book cover The Handbook of Soap Manufacture

By: Lydia Maria Francis Child (1802-1880)

Book cover The American Frugal Housewife

By: Charles Herbert Sylvester

Book cover Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 6
Book cover Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 7

By: Lydia Maria Francis Child (1802-1880)

Book cover An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans

By: Charles Herbert Sylvester

Book cover Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
Book cover Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 2
Book cover Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 10 The Guide

By: Lydia Maria Francis Child (1802-1880)

Book cover Isaac T. Hopper
Book cover The Duty of Disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act Anti-Slavery Tracts No. 9, An Appeal To The Legislators Of Massachusetts

By: Charles Herbert Sylvester

Book cover Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 4
Book cover Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 5
Book cover Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 3

By: Lydia Maria Francis Child (1802-1880)

Book cover Philothea A Grecian Romance
Book cover A Romance of the Republic
Book cover The Magician's Show Box and Other Stories

By: Arthur Griffiths (1838-1908)

The Rome Express by Arthur Griffiths The Rome Express

The passengers in the sleeping car of the Rome Express were just woken and informed that they will reach Paris soon, and a general bustle fills the train. Only one passenger cannot be awoken by the porter, no matter how loudly he knocks on the compartment door. At last, when the door is forced open, the occupant of the compartment is found dead - stabbed to the heart! The murderer must be found among the passengers...

Book cover Passenger from Calais

An army officer, and a mysterious lady with a maid and baby in tow, are the only passengers on the Engadine express from Calais. The lady is afraid that someone is following her. Who is she? And what is her strange package? One suspicious conversation and two private detectives later Colonel Basil Annesley is determined to find out!

By: William Cowper (1731-1800)

Book cover The Task and Other Poems
Book cover The Diverting History of John Gilpin

By: Arthur Griffiths (1838-1908)

Book cover The Thin Red Line; and Blue Blood

By: William Cowper (1731-1800)

Book cover The Diverting History of John Gilpin

By: Amelia Simmons (c. 1700s-1800s)

Book cover American Cookery

American Cookery, by Amelia Simmons, was the first known cookbook written by an American, published in 1796. Until this time, the cookbooks printed and used in what became the United States were British cookbooks, so the importance of this book is obvious to American culinary history, and more generally, to the history of America. The full title of this book was: American Cookery, or the art of dressing viands, fish, poultry, and vegetables, and the best modes of making pastes, puffs, pies, tarts, puddings, custards, and preserves, and all kinds of cakes, from the imperial plum to plain cake: Adapted to this country, and all grades of life. (Description from Wikipedia)

By: Kate Dickinson Sweetser (-1939)

Book cover Ten American Girls From History
Book cover Ten Boys from History
Ten Girls from History by Kate Dickinson Sweetser Ten Girls from History
Book cover Ten Boys from Dickens
Book cover Ten Girls from Dickens
Book cover Boys and girls from Thackeray

By: Thomas Jefferson Ritter (1855-)

Book cover Mother's Remedies Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers of the United States and Canada

By: M. Mignet (1796-1884)

Book cover History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814

By: May Sinclair (1863-1946)

Book cover Mr. Waddington of Wyck

May Sinclair’s 1921 novel tells the story of the ridiculous Mr. Horatio Bysshe Waddington, a pompous, self-deluded poser making his way through life caring only for the impressions he makes on others. His long-suffering wife Fanny, his secretary Barbara, and the young scapegrace Ralph watch his daily performances with delighted, affectionate fascination as if they are spectators watching a play or scientists observing a new species, wondering every day how far he will go to fulfill his outrageous pretentions. As usual, Sinclair’s light, deceptively innocent prose camouflages a tale of sexual passions and human foibles with philosophical implications about her post-war world.

Book cover Life and Death of Harriett Frean

Harriett Frean is a well-to-do, unmarried woman living a life of meaningless dependency, boredom, and unproductivity as she patiently cares for her aging parents, waiting for a man to marry. When her opportunity for Love finally comes, she is offered a moral dilemma: the man is engaged to her best friend. Should she sacrifice what, according to the priorities of the time, seems like her "one chance for happiness," or should she seize the moment? Can she make something meaningful of her life without...

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