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By: Wilhelm Roscher (1817-1894)

Book cover Principles of Political Economy

By: August William Derleth (1909-1971)

Book cover McIlvaine's Star

By: William McDougall (1871-1938)

Book cover The Pagan Tribes of Borneo

By: W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison) Murray (1840-1904)

Book cover Holiday Tales Christmas in the Adirondacks

By: Anatole Cerfberr (1835-1896)

Book cover Repertory Of The Comedie Humaine, Complete, A — Z

By: Douglas Dewar (1875-1957)

Book cover Birds of the Indian Hills

By: Florence Finch Kelly (1858-1939)

Book cover With Hoops of Steel

By: Douglas Dewar (1875-1957)

Book cover A Bird Calendar for Northern India

By: Florence Finch Kelly (1858-1939)

Book cover Emerson's Wife and Other Western Stories

By: Anatole Cerfberr (1835-1896)

Book cover Repertory of the Comedie Humaine

By: Florence Finch Kelly (1858-1939)

The Fate of Felix Brand by Florence Finch Kelly The Fate of Felix Brand
Delafield Affair by Florence Finch Kelly Delafield Affair

New Mexico's hot, dry winds are taking their toll: cattle suffer long treks to get food and water. But it is not just a hard time for them. Lucy Bancroft has sought a milder climate so she can recover from typhoid fever. She and her father stop to see Curt Conrad, a rancher, on their way to their new home. The two men discuss politics (some of it crooked) at the state level. they also talk about an easterner, a man named Delafield, who years earlier cheated Conrad's father out of his considerable wealth. Curt has vowed to seek revenge on Delafield if he can ever find the crook. thus begins a harrowing tale of determined search and blossoming love in the hot, dry climate of New Mexico.

By: W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison) Murray (1840-1904)

Book cover How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney Kept New Year's And Other Stories
Book cover A Ride With A Mad Horse In A Freight-Car 1898

By: Thomas Nash (1567-1601)

Book cover The Choise of Valentines Or the Merie Ballad of Nash His Dildo

By: Benjamin Franklin Cresson (1873-1923)

Book cover Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad The Terminal Station - West

By: Roger Babson (1875-1967)

Book cover Fundamentals of Prosperity

What these principles are and whence they come to us. "The fact is, we have become crazy over material things. We are looking only at the structure above ground. We are trying to get more smoke from the chimney. We are looking at space instead of service, at profits instead of volume. With our eyes focused on the structure above ground, we have lost sight of those human resources, thrift, imagination, integrity, vision and faith which make the structure possible. I feel that only by the business men can this foundation be strengthened before the inevitable fall comes."( from the preface )

By: F. Somner (Frederick Somner) Merryweather (1827-1900)

Book cover Bibliomania in the Middle Ages

By: Chauncey Brewster Tinker (1876-1963)

Book cover The Translations of Beowulf A Critical Bibliography

By: Oswald Boelcke (1891-1916)

Book cover An Aviator's Field Book Being the field reports of Oswald Bölcke, from August 1, 1914 to October 28, 1916

By: Emil Behnke (1836-1892)

Book cover The Mechanism of the Human Voice

By: Frederick William Hackwood

Book cover The Annals of Willenhall

By: Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin

Book cover God and the State

By: Mary Catherine Judd

Book cover Classic Myths

By: A. P. Mukerji

Book cover The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga

By: B. L. (Bertram Lenox) Putnam Weale (1877-1930)

Book cover The Fight For The Republic in China

By: Emile Cammaerts (1878-1953)

Book cover Through the Iron Bars Two Years of German Occupation in Belgium
Book cover Belgium From the Roman Invasion to the Present Day

By: Maurice Baring (1874-1945)

The Blue Rose Fairy Book by Maurice Baring The Blue Rose Fairy Book
Book cover An Outline of Russian Literature

By: Theophilus Cibber (1703-1758)

Book cover The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) Volume I.

By: B. L. (Bertram Lenox) Putnam Weale (1877-1930)

Book cover Indiscreet Letters From Peking Being the Notes of an Eye-Witness, Which Set Forth in Some Detail, from Day to Day, the Real Story of the Siege and Sack of a Distressed Capital in 1900—The Year of Great Tribulation

By: Lucas Malet (1852-1931)

Book cover The Far Horizon
Book cover Deadham Hard
Book cover The Gateless Barrier

By: B. L. (Bertram Lenox) Putnam Weale (1877-1930)

Book cover Wang the Ninth The Story of a Chinese Boy

By: Homer Eon Flint (1888-1924)

Book cover The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life

A doctor, an architect, an engineer, and a geologist step into a space car. In their new invention, they set off on an expediton to Mercury, planning to visit Venus on the return voyage. On Mercury they find a strange city eerily abandoned. Sculptures of giant figures alarm them. In a building they discover a machine. The engineer gets it running, and blaring out of the machine a thundering voice speaking Mercurian begins to sound in a way that conveys to them that it is telling a story. After an enormous effort the men translate the audio book...

By: Pratt Food Company

Book cover Pratt's Practical Pointers on the Care of Livestock and Poultry

By: Francis Andrew March (1863-1926)

Book cover History of the World War

This is a popular narrative history of the world's greatest war. Written frankly from the viewpoint of the United States and the Allies, it visualizes the bloodiest and most destructive conflict of all the ages from its remote causes to its glorious conclusion and beneficent results.Two ideals have been before us in the preparation of this necessary work. These are simplicity and thoroughness. It is of no avail to describe the greatest of human events if the description is so confused that the reader loses interest...

By: Philip Van Ness Myers

Book cover General History for Colleges and High Schools

By: G. B. Warren

Book cover The Last West and Paolo's Virginia

By: Grammaticus Saxo

Book cover The Danish History, Books I-IX

By: W. O. (William Odber) Raymond (1853-1923)

Book cover Glimpses of the Past History of the River St. John, A.D. 1604-1784

By: Gordon R. Dickson (1923-2001)

No Shield from the Dead by Gordon R. Dickson No Shield from the Dead

By: Miss Watts

Book cover The Ladies' Knitting and Netting Book

By: James W. Gerard (1867-1951)

Book cover Face to Face with Kaiserism

By: Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964)

Book cover Interpreters
Book cover The Merry-Go-Round

By: James W. Gerard (1867-1951)

Book cover My Four Years in Germany

By: Frederick S. Brereton (1872-)

Book cover With Rifle and Bayonet A Story of the Boer War

By: Don Marquis (1878-1937)

Book cover The Cruise of the Jasper B.

By: David Grayson (1870-1946)

Book cover Adventures in Contentment

By: Homer Eon Flint (1892-1924)

Book cover The Emancipatrix
Book cover Devolutionist and the Emancipatrix

In the Devolutionist, space travelers experiment with Venusian methods of telepathic space travel. They leave our solar system to discover and explore the earthlike planet Capellette of the star Capella. In the Emancipatrix, they go to the planet Sanus of the star Arcturus. In both unique worlds, they become embroiled in the struggles and challenges of the inhabitants, and much more. This is Book Two of the Dr. Kinney adventures.

By: Frederick S. Brereton (1872-)

With Joffre at Verdun A Story of the Western Front by Frederick S. Brereton With Joffre at Verdun A Story of the Western Front

By: David Grayson (1870-1946)

Book cover Hempfield A Novel

By: Kálmán Mikszáth (1847-1910)

St. Peter's Umbrella by Kálmán Mikszáth St. Peter's Umbrella

By: Don Marquis (1878-1937)

Book cover Danny's Own Story

Danny is the proverbial basket-on-the-doorstep baby, found by Hank and Elmira Walters, a childless couple who welcome him into their home because they need a new topic over which to bicker. Bicker they do, and fight just as often, from the day they attempt to settle on a name, to the day eighteen years later, when Danny and Hank come to blows and Danny leaves home in company with Dr. Kirby, bottler and supplier of the miracle elixir, Siwash Indian Sagraw. For years Danny wanders aimlessly--from Illinois to Indiana to Ohio, back to Illinois, then into Tennessee and points south--sometimes in company with Dr...

By: Don Marquis (1878-1937)

Book cover Dreams and Dust
Book cover Hermione's Group of Thinkers

By: Frederick S. Brereton (1872-)

Book cover A Gallant Grenadier A Tale of the Crimean War

By: David Grayson (1870-1946)

Book cover Adventures in Friendship

By: Frederick S. Brereton (1872-)

Book cover With Wolseley to Kumasi A Tale of the First Ashanti War

By: David Grayson (1870-1946)

Book cover Great Possessions

By: Kálmán Mikszáth (1847-1910)

Book cover Heathen Master Filcsik

By: Henry Weightman Stelwagon (1853-1919)

Book cover Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine

By: Jack G. Huekels

Book cover Advanced Chemistry

By: Walter H. (Walter Henry) Mayson (1835-1904)

Book cover Violin Making 'The Strad' Library, No. IX.

By: F. H. (Franklin Hiram) King (1848-1911)

Book cover Farmers of Forty Centuries; Or, Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea, and Japan

By: George Brannon

Book cover Brannon's Picture of The Isle of WightThe Expeditious Traveller's Index to Its Prominent Beauties

By: Joseph Quincy Adams (1881-1946)

Book cover Shakespearean Playhouses A History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration

By: Abd Salam Shabeeny (fl. 1820)

Book cover An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa

By: Edmund Leamy (1848-1904)

Book cover The Golden Spears And Other Fairy Tales

By: Elizabeth Stoddard (1823-1902)

Book cover Lemorne Versus Huell

By: Edward Dowden (1843-1913)

Book cover A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.

By: Eliot Gregory (1854-1915)

Book cover The Ways of Men

By: R. Talbot (Robert Talbot) Kelly (1861-1934)

Burma Peeps at Many Lands by R. Talbot (Robert Talbot) Kelly Burma Peeps at Many Lands

By: Luigi Antonio Lanzi

Book cover The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 1 From the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century

By: Eliot Gregory (1854-1915)

Book cover Worldly Ways and Byways

By: Frances Alice Forbes (1869-1936)

Book cover Life of St. Vincent de Paul

Vincent De Paul [c. 1581 - 1660] was a man renowned during his own century for his compassion, humility and generosity. During the days when galleys were part of any countries' war machine and these galleys were rowed by convicts who were in reality slaves, Vincent's special call was to provide what spiritual comfort he could to these wretched men. When a young man he himself had been captured by Turkish pirates, who brought him to Tunis and sold him into slavery, so he had a special understanding of their lot...

By: Edward Dowden (1843-1913)

Book cover Robert Browning

By: Luigi Antonio Lanzi

Book cover The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 2 from the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century

By: Steven (Steven David Justin) Sills

Book cover Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Frances Alice Forbes (1869-1936)

Book cover Saint Athanasius: The Father of Orthodoxy

A short and rather old fashioned biography a great saint. Don't expect subtlety; it's unapologetic hagiography. The saint is presented as a figure of pristine brilliance, courage and integrity and his persecutors as conniving villains. But to those who appreciate what was at stake in the controversy, Athanasius is indeed a God-sent hero. This is an informative, if quaint, introduction to a fascinating figure in history.

By: Edmund Leamy (1848-1904)

Book cover Irish Fairy Tales

By: Eleanor M. Ingram (1886-1921)

Game and the Candle by  Eleanor M. Ingram Game and the Candle

Faced with inherited debts, an estate to maintain, and no money to pay for either, brothers John and Robert Allard have a difficult decision to make. How much of their integrity are they willing to compromise in order to save their aunt and cousin from a life of poverty and to preserve "all that they call life"? Two young men with a classical education, no trade, and no outstanding talents have little chance to make the fortune they need while staying on the right side of the law. Especially as they only have six months..... (

By: Eleanor M. Ingram (1886-1921)

Book cover The Flying Mercury
Book cover From the Car Behind

By: Luigi Antonio Lanzi

Book cover The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 3 from the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century

By: Frances Alice Forbes (1869-1936)

Book cover Life of Saint Columba Apostle of Scotland

Saint Columba (521 – 597) was an Irish abbot and missionary credited with spreading Christianity in present-day Scotland. He founded the important abbey on Iona, which became a dominant religious and political institution in the region for centuries. He is the Patron Saint of Derry. He was highly regarded by both the Gaels of Dál Riata and the Picts, and is remembered today as a Christian saint and one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland.Columba reportedly studied under some of Ireland's most prominent church figures and founded several monasteries in the country...

By: Eleanor M. Ingram (1886-1921)

A Man's Hearth by Eleanor M. Ingram A Man's Hearth

By: Frances Alice Forbes (1869-1936)

Book cover Pope Pius the Tenth

Pope Saint Pius X (2 June 1835 – 20 August 1914), born Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, was Pope from 4 August 1903 to his death in 1914. He was the first pope since Pius V (1566 to 1572) to be canonized. St. Pius X is known for vigorously opposing modernist interpretations of Catholic doctrine, promoting traditional devotional practices and orthodox theology. His most important reform was to publish the first Code of Canon Law, which collected the laws of the Church into one volume for the first time. He was also considered a pastoral pope, in the sense of encouraging personal holiness, piety and a daily lifestyle reflecting deep Christian values.

By: Elizabeth Stoddard (1823-1902)

Book cover Before the Mirror

Elizabeth Drew Stoddard, née Barstow was a United States poet and novelist. She is most widely known today as the author of The Morgesons (1862), her first of three novels. Her other two novels are Two Men (1865) and Temple House (1867). Stoddard was also a prolific writer of short stories, children's tales, poems, essays, travel writing, and journalism pieces.

By: Frances Alice Forbes (1869-1936)

Book cover Life of Saint Monica

By: William Cotton (1786-1866)

Book cover Everybody's Guide to Money Matters: with a description of the various investments chiefly dealt in on the stock exchange, and the mode of dealing therein

By: Harry D. Kitson

Book cover How to Use Your Mind A Psychology of Study: Being a Manual for the Use of Students and Teachers in the Administration of Supervised Study

By: Samuel Edward Dibble (1882-)

Book cover Elements of Plumbing

By: Arthur Edward Romilly Boak (1888-1962)

Book cover A History of Rome to 565 A. D.

By: Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher (1872-1933)

Book cover The Chemistry of Plant Life

By: William Playfair (1759-1823)

Book cover An Inquiry into the Permanent Causes of the Decline and Fall of Powerful and Wealthy Nations. Designed To Shew How The Prosperity Of The British Empire May Be Prolonged

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