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The Little Colonel's House Party Annie F. Johnston

A Child of the Jago Arthur Morrison

The Strange Gentleman Charles Dickens

First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1879-1880, Government Printing Office 1881 Various

The Last of the Valerii Henry James

The Makers of Canada: Champlain N. E. Dionne

The History of Miss Betsy Thoughtless, Volume 1 Eliza Haywood

Boule de Suif Guy de Maupassant

One Act Play Collection 004 Various

Celibates George Moore

Juffrouw Lirriper en haar Commensalen Charles Dickens

Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave Henry Bibb

Swiss Family Robinson in Words of One Syllable Lucy Aikin

The Elements of Entomology William Ruschenberger

La letra escarlata novela escrita en inglés Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Magic Pudding Norman Lindsay

Chopin: The Man and His Music James Huneker

Her Benny Silas Hocking

Lady Rose's Daughter Mary Augusta Ward

The Giaour Lord George Gordon Byron

The Story of Manhattan Charles Hemstreet

The Mask Florence Irwin

Sir Edmund Orme Henry James

Vom Gyps und vom Stucco Carl Schmied

Hollywood: Its Morals and Manners Dreiser, Theodore

The King of Ireland's Son Padraic Colum

Northwest! Harold Bindloss

John Dene of Toronto; a Comedy of Whitehall Herbert George Jenkins

Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 026 Various

Insomnia Collection, Vol. 2 Various

Lancashire Francis Archibald Bruton

Grace Harlowe's Fourth Year at Overton College Jessie Graham Flower

呐喊 (Call to Arms) 鲁迅 - Lu Xun

The Wild Swans at Coole William Butler Yeats

The Narrative of Sojourner Truth Olive Gilbert (?-?) & Sojourner Truth (1797-1883)

The Firelight Fairy Book Henry Beston

Le roman de la momie Théophile Gautier

The Lepers of Molokai Charles Warren Stoddard

Insurgent Mexico John Reed

Führer für Pilzfreunde Edmund Michael

Grace Harlowe's Golden Summer Jessie Graham Flower

The Broken Vase and Other Stories Anonymous

Confessions of a Convert Robert Hugh Benson

Miss Ashton's New Pupil Sarah Stuart Robbins

Omens and Superstitions of Southern India Edgar Thurston

Sixteenth-century Bristol John Latimer

Just Patty Jean Webster

Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son George Horace Lorimer

Old Rose and Silver Myrtle Reed

Mornings at Bow Street John Wight

Aucassin and Nicolette. Francis William Bourdillon

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 01 No. 2 Various

The Boy Scout and Other Stories for Boys Richard Harding Davis

En Nyckfull kvinna, del 1 – Den Obundna flickan Emilie Flygare-Carlén

My Buried Treasure Richard Harding Davis

Religio Medici and Hydriotaphia Thomas Browne

The Black Prophet - A Tale of Irish Famine William Carleton

Wigilja Bożego Narodzenia Charles Dickens

The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz Anonymous

In Londen en Parijs Charles Dickens

Zanzibar Tales George W. Bateman

Elevator Systems of the Eiffel Tower, 1889 Robert M. Vogel

Windsor Castle, Book 1 William Harrison Ainsworth

Mudfog and Other Sketches Charles Dickens

Robin Frances Hodgson Burnett

A Jewish State Theodor Herzl

Contra Gentes Athanasius of Alexandria

Juffrouw Lirriper's Legaat Charles Dickens

Living Alone Stella Benson

The Duchess of Padua Oscar Wilde

Christina L. G. Moberly

אצל Etsel אורי ניסן גנסין Gnessin, Uri Nissan

Historic Girls Elbridge Streeter Brooks

Crime: Its Cause and Treatment Clarence Darrow

Preußische Jugend zur Zeit Napoleons Karl Immermann

Kathleen Christopher Morley

Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany and Alphabets Edward Lear

Saint Charles Borromeo: A Sketch of the Reforming Cardinal Louise M. Stacpoole-Kenny

On the Laws Marcus Tullius Cicero

Heimatlos - Geschichten für Kinder und auch für solche, welche die Kinder lieb haben Johanna Spyri

Racketty-Packetty House and other stories Frances Hodgson Burnett

Anecdotes of Dogs Edward Jesse

Voyage au centre de la terre Jules Verne

Siedem wybranych opowiadań Władysław Orkan

Ivanhoe (NL) Sir Walter Scott

Die Reise nach Tilsit Hermann Sudermann

Not Quite Eighteen Susan Coolidge

Steel Traps Describes the Various Makes and Tells How to Use Them, Also Chapters on Care of Pelts, Etc. Arthur R. Harding

The Myths of the New World Daniel G. Brinton

A Year With the Saints Anonymous

The Island Lord George Gordon Byron

A Royal Son and Mother Pauline von Hugel

Pan Tadeusz Czyli Ostatni Zajazd na Litwie. Historja Szlachecka z r. 1811 i 1812 we Dwunastu Księgach Wierszem Adam Mickiewicz

The Ghost Sonata August Strindberg

Drei Meister Balzac. Dickens. Dostojewski Stefan Zweig

El Señor de Bembibre Enrique Gil y Carrasco

His Grace of Osmonde Frances Hodgson Burnett

Troilus and Criseyde Geoffrey Chaucer

Wine, Water and Song G. K. Chesterton

Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatán, Vol. 2 John Lloyd Stephens