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By: Noël Coward (1899-1973)

Book cover Hay Fever

In this delightful farce/comedy of manners, the eccentric and theatrical Bliss family invites four hapless guests to their English country house for the weekend. Hijinks ensue. - Summary by WendyKatzHillerCast List: Judith Bliss: WendyKatzHiller David Bliss: ToddHW Sorel Bliss: Jenn Broda Simon Bliss: Tchaikovsky Myra Arundel: Kelly S. Taylor Richard Greatham: Mike Manolakes Jackie Coryton: Jvisi Sandy Tyrell: CassiopeiaSparks Clara: C. Roxanne Maxwell Stage Directions: Jim Locke

By: Walter Ben Hare (1880-1950)

Book cover Civil Service

Subtitled "An American Drama in Three Acts. A Play with a Punch." "A comedy drama of American life depicting the joys and sorrows, the heartaches and struggles and temptations of a small group of government employees working in a post office in a small city in the middle west. There is the stern inspector, the officious postmaster, the busybody mail clerk, the ambitious young clerk..., the kind hearted old man who carries the rural route, the raw recruit and the noble hearted, plucky little stamp clerk, who bravely stifles her own feelings and lives for the advancement of her friends...

By: Thompson Buchanan (1877-1937)

Book cover Woman's Way

"A Woman's Way" belongs to a class of comedy curiously rare on our native stage in recent seasons, the comedy of smart people, with a flavor of character study to give it dignity." "In this comedy, it is "inevitable" that the wife and the other woman should meet in the presence of the husband, and that they should come to open grapple under the very eyes of the audience. The joy of [Buchanan's] comedy, of course, in no small measure is due to the fact that the other woman is not at all the sort of antagonist the wife expected; that she is, in fact, charming, with worldly poise equal to the occasion...

By: W. S. Gilbert (1836-1911)

Book cover Sorcerer

Alexis Pointdextre gets his family sorcerer to brew up a love potion. But what happens when it gets out of control? This two act operetta was a success and convinced Gilbert and Sullivan to go ahead and collaborate on H.M.S. Pinafore the next year. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre, an elderly Baronet: Andrew Kennedy Alexis, of the Grenadier Guards - his son: rwraptor Dr. Daly, Vicar of Ploverleigh: Scotty Smith John Wellington Wells, of J. W. Wells and Co., Family Sorcerers: ToddHW Notary: Tchaikovsky Lady Sangazure, a Lady of ancient lineage: April Mendis Aline, her daughter - betrothed to Alexis: Annie Mars Mrs...

By: Arthur Wing Pinero (1855-1934)

Book cover Princess and the Butterfly

The English-born Princess Pannonia had spent the twenty years of her marriage isolated in the Prince's remote Hungarian castle. Now widowed, she returns to London to re-engage with former friends, all fearfully facing middle-age. Can romance be rekindled with a former flame? Or will it be found with someone new or perhaps someone overlooked before? - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Princess Pannonia: awonski Sir George Lamorant, Bart.: Greg Giordano Fay Zuliani: Jenn Broda Edward Oriel: Tomas Peter Blanche Oriel: Michele Eaton Lady Ringstead: Sonia Mr...

By: Titus Maccius Plautus (254 BCE-184 BCE)

Book cover Bacchides: or, The Twin Sisters

Twin sisters, separated at birth to different lands. Later, Mnesilochus falls in love with one of them, only to see his friend Pistoclerus apparently with her. Great complications abound. Eventually all is explained and everyone joins together to carouse. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Silenus, the Divinity, who speaks the Prologue: ToddHW Nicobulus, an aged citizen of Athens: Adrian Stephens Mnesilochus, his son: Greg Giordano Philoxenus, another aged citizen of Athens: Alan Mapstone Pistoclerus,...

By: Antonio de Solís (1610-1686)

Book cover One Fool Makes Many

"I will discuss this matter in an allegory: ... There was once upon a time a man, and he had a sister; and this said sister, she had a brother; and so this sister fell in love with another brother, and he had another sister; and one day what should she do, but take it into her head to run away with him? So then, after that, the brother, from whom the sister had been stolen, stole the sister of the thief. Now will you be pleased to tell us whether it would be best, in such a case, that each man should...

By: George Colman the Younger (1762-1836)

Book cover Heir At Law

Daniel Dowlas a chandler from Gosport, transmogrified into a baron, naturally enough demands, in what consists the mighty difference between drinking his tea out of a cup, or a saucer. He has the good sense to feel his insufficiency; and, aspiring to shine as an orator, engages a professor to teach him culture. Opposed to my lord, stands my lady, Dowlas; wife, a full-blown hollyhock of the aristocracy of Mammon. She affects to amend her spouse's cakelology, admits that an oath may now and then be suffered to garnish polite discourse, but then, it must be pronounced with an air to one's equals, and with a kind of careless condescension to menials...

By: Walter Hackett (1876-1944)

Book cover It Pays To Advertise

An early screwball comedy, the plot revolves around a Soap Manufacturing Mogul's attempt to get his idle-rich son to make something of himself. This involves a Countess who speaks only French ; the son's sweetheart ; a hard-sell theatrical press-agent , and a new soap company set up by the son in competition with his father. “No. 13 Soap ... It's Unlucky for Dirt.” - Summary by Son of the Exiles Cast list: MARY GRAYSON : Annie Mars JOHNSON : Alan Mapstone COMTESSE DE BEAURIEN : Sonia RODNEY...

By: Edmond Rostand (1868-1918)

Book cover Romancers

By the author of Cyrano de Bergerac, this comic-romance formed the basis for the long-running 1960's musical "The Fantasticks". - Summary by WendyKatzHiller Persons in the Play: Sylvette: Jenn Broda Percinet: Joanna Michal Hoyt Straforel: Larry Wilson Bergamin: ToddHW Pasquinot: Wayne Cooke Blaise : Rebecca Brown Stage Directions: WendyKatzHiller Edited by: WendyKatzHiller Proof-listened by: sanved23, WendyKatzHiller and Rapunzelina

By: Byron Ongley (1876-1915)

Book cover Brewster's Millions

Monty Brewster has just inherited a million dollars from the grandfather he has never met. The newly acquired wealth staggers young Monty Brewster, and he is about to launch into his new life when an attorney in the west advises him that his uncle, George Brewster, has left him seven million dollars, contingent upon his getting rid of the million dollars left him by his grandfather. "He mistreated your mother and father and I do not want you to touch a dollar of his money. If you spend the million...

By: Lillian Sutton Pelée (1872-1948)

Book cover Wives on Strike

The "Wives' Welfare Club" is meeting together so they may air grievances about their husbands and the inequality that women experience.  During this meeting the wives decide to "go on Strike" and nominate Jane Spink to be the test case.  Betty, who is a newlywed of only 30 days, boasts of her husband's perfect qualities and is amused at the other wives' complaints.  However, as she returns home she realizes she just might end up on strike as well! - Summary by Jenn BrodaCast List: Betty Albright,...

By: Booth Tarkington (1869-1946)

Book cover Intimate Strangers

"Beginning with the girl of yesterday and a lawyer of uncertain age, stranded in a railway station, half starved and uncertain of the future, because a hurricane wrecked railway hopes on both the main and branch line, it carries the audience to the home of the girl, where, with delicious comedy, the blasé lawyer is tortured into submission, after he has dared doubt the age of the girl whose hand he kissed the night before. Having expressed a sharp opinion of "brazen young huzzies in breeches," he is subjected to the siege of a young woman "in breeches", who longs for an adventure with an elderly man...

By: Clyde Fitch (1865-1909)

Book cover Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines

Captain Robert Jinks has formed a marching club with some friends to promote a political candidate, earning him the moniker Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines. When they discover that opera diva Madame Trentoni is arriving from Europe, Jinks and his buddies go down to the dock to meet her. Jinks bets his pals a large sum that he can romance her, but when Jinks finally encounters Madame Trentoni, he is so taken by her that he immediately concedes the bet and gives his friends his IOU for the wager money so he can court her without what he now sees as an unseemly wager...

By: Arthur Law (1844-1913)

Book cover Country Mouse

You could be forgiven upon reading that title, not to mention auditing the opening scene, for thinking that this is a play of a simple country girl fallen among aristocratic Victorian-era swingers in the big city. But this Country Mouse is anything but innocent. - Summary by Son of the Exiles Cast list: The Duke of St. Kitts : Alan Mapstone Lord Robert Wyckham : Greg Giordano John Bowlby, M.P. : ToddHW The Hon. Archibald Vyse : ksb013 Jephcot : Wayne Cooke Servant: James R. Hedrick Lady Sylvia Bowlby : Matea Bracic Violet Aynsley : Jenn Broda Angela Muir : TJ Burns Mrs. Cropper : WendyKatzHiller Stage Directions: Michele Eaton Editing: Michele Eaton

By: Augustin Daly (1838-1899)

Book cover Night Off; or A Page From Balzac

There are a number of subplots going on in this play. The Professor has unearthed a play that he wrote back in his University days. He has read it to his housekeeper while his wife was away at the expensive spa ... she disapproves of the theatre ... and said housekeeper was so fascinated by it that when a travelling dramatic troupe manager lobs into town, the Professor is receptive to the manager's manipulative and unscrupulous offer to put on his play. Meanwhile, one of the Professor's daughters has chanced across a page from Balzac which states "Every bride that lives if she could but know the past and secret life of her husband would renounce him even at the steps of the altar...

By: Alfred Sutro (1863-1933)

Book cover Mollentrave on Women

Mollentrave has written a “Love Doctor” book for men entitled “Mollentrave on Women” which purports to give any man the “Midas Touch” with the fairer sex. But as King Midas could’ve told us, these things have a way of backfiring… - Summary by Son of the Exiles Cast list: Mr. Mollentrave: azureblue Sir Joseph Balsted, K.C., M.P.: Mike Manolakes Everard Swenboys: Ethan Hurst Lord Contareen: Adrian Stephens Mr. Dexter: ToddHW Mr. Noyes: Alan Mapstone Peters, Sir Joseph’s Butler: Cavaet Martin, Mollentrave’s Butler: David Purdy Lady Claude Derenham: JennPratt Margaret Messilent: Nichole James Miss Treable: Joanna Michal Hoyt Mrs...

By: Arthur Wing Pinero (1855-1934)

Book cover Freaks: An Idyll of Suburbia

When Mrs. Herrick's brother Charlie dies, he leaves his money in trust for members of the circus he used to own under the name of "Segantini's World Renowned Mammoth International Hippodrome and Museum of Living Marvels". When five of the Extraordinary Mortals of the circus show up to visit with the Ordinary Mortals at Mrs. Herrick's country house, there is a clash of cultures.... - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Ordinary Mortals: Mrs. Herrick, nee Smith : Linda Webster Ronald : Adrian Stephens Sheila : Matea Bracic Lady Ball-Jennings : Sonia Sir Norton Ball-Jennings : Alan Mapstone Reverend Stephen Glyn : Greg Giordano Mr...

By: Titus Maccius Plautus (254 BCE-184 BCE)

Book cover Stichus; or, The Parasite Rebuffed

"Antipho, a wealthy and jovial old gentleman of Athens, has two daughters, Pilumena and Pamphila. They are married to two brothers, Epignomus and Pamphilus, who, having run through their property in the company of idlers and Parasites, have, with the view of retrieving their fortunes, taken to merchandize [overseas trade]." The brothers have, in fact, been gone so long trying to regain their riches that Antipho is getting ready to marry off the daughters again. Will the brothers arrive back in time...

By: Pierre Beaumarchais (1732-1799)

Book cover Follies of a Day; OR, The Marriage of Figaro (English)

This is Thomas Holcroft's English translation, obtained by attending Pierre Beaumarchais' French play nine times in Paris during its original official staging in 1784. Beaumarchais' play was the basis for Mozart's 1796 opera, and is a satire about lovers' misdoings and French society. Because of its rebellious themes, presented during the troubling times leading up to the French Revolution, Beaumarchais had a very difficult time getting his play past the censors. Once staged, the play was enormously popular with audiences, including the aristocracy despite their understanding of the underlying themes...

By: Hannah Cowley (1743-1809)

Book cover Bold Stroke for a Husband

"Plays, where the scene is placed in a foreign country, particularly when that country is Spain, have a license to present certain improbabilities to the audience, without incurring the danger of having them called such; and the authoress, by the skill with which she has used this dramatic permittance, ... has formed a most interesting plot, and embellished it with lively, humorous, and affecting incident.... Here is contained no oblique insinuation, detrimental to the cause of morality—but entertainment and instruction unite, to make a pleasant exhibition at a theatre, or give an hour's amusement in the closet...

By: Madeleine Lucette Ryley (1858-1934)

Book cover Mice and Men

No, not the famous “Of Mice and Men” you’re thinking of. Instead, we have a sweet romantic comedy that tells the story of a bachelor, Mr. Embury, who decides to conduct an experiment to see if he can create the perfect wife for himself. To do so, he chooses an orphaned girl named Peggy to become his ward and ultimately his wife. Peggy, however, thinks that Mr. Embury has plans for her to become the wife of his nephew, Captain Lovell, whom she believes is in love with another woman . A critic who was not fond of sentimental stories called this play a fairy story with a sincere spirit and one they could actually believe in...

By: W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)

Book cover Lady Frederick, a Comedy in Three Acts

Lady Frederick is a comedy by the British writer W. Somerset Maugham, written early in his career. The play was first seen in London in 1907, and was very successful, running for 422 performances. The title role was played by Ethel Irving. In New York it was first performed in 1908, with Lady Frederick played by Ethel Barrymore, who reprised her role in the play's film adaptation, The Divorcee. In the play, Lady Frederick is an Irish widow, seriously in debt; she must deal with suitors who have various motives for proposing marriage, and with the man with whom she once had an affair...

By: Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681)

Book cover Fairy Lady

Don Manuel and Cosmo are visiting town to stay with Don Manuel's friend Don John de Toledo for the young Prince's christening, when suddenly a a veiled lady begs for their aid and protection. "My honour and my life are forfeit if I am overtaken or discovered by the person that comes yonder in pursuit of me." And so the intrigue of this farce begins.... - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Don Manuel Enriquez: Adrian Stephens Don John de Toledo: Greg Giordano Don Lewis de Toledo, his brother: ToddHW Cosmo,...

By: Titus Maccius Plautus (254 BCE-184 BCE)

Book cover Menaechmi; or, The Twin Brothers

Menaechimus was carried away as a child to Epidamnus. Years later his twin-brother arrives also in Epidamnus, where because of his resemblance to his brother, he is mistaken for him by everybody. "This play was the foundation of Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors." - Summary by ToddHW and Translator Cast list: Menaechimus of Epidamnus: Greg Giordano Menaechimus Sosicles, his twin-brother: Wayne Cooke Peniculus, a Parasite: Alan Mapstone Messenio, the servant of Menaechimus Sosicles: Rémi Cylindrus,...

By: Pierre Beaumarchais (1732-1799)

Book cover Barber of Seville

Count Almaviva's heart is stolen when he lays eyes on Rosine, but he worries that she will only love him for his money. Can Figaro help him? This comedy is the first play in Beaumarchais' Figaro trilogy. It was written in 1773, but because of political and legal problems, Beaumarchais could not stage the play until 1775. The Barber of Seville was adapted into at least five operas, the best-known being by Rossini. The other plays in the trilogy are The Follies of a Day: or the Marriage of Figaro and The Guilty Mother...

By: Arthur Wing Pinero (1855-1934)

Book cover Wife Without A Smile

Mr. Rippingill can not get his wife to relax her stony features and smile. Maybe even laugh. "Avis - Lady Whitstable and the pickled salmon. Now consider for a moment, my pet - reflect. What a grotesque contrast! A fine, crusted specimen of our English aristocracy and - pickled fish! The mere contemplation of two images so violently opposed in itself makes for mirth. Doesn't it dearest?" But it is tough going. So he tries to.... - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Seymour Rippingill: Greg Giordano Haynes Webbmarsh: Alan Mapstone Vivian Trood: Tomas Peter John Pullinger: ToddHW Foley: James R...

By: Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681)

Book cover Keep Your Own Secret

"Love and perseverance will at last vanquish every obstacle. Today I have kept out of the way of every possible hindrance... and at this moment I actually behold myself in her house.... I have, as you know, spent all the day in concealment, and I have got into the house unseen by any one. What cross event can now happen to disappoint my hopes?" Anybody want to bet that all will go as planned in this comedy? - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma: fluffbemeal Don Caesar,...

By: Walter Ben Hare (1880-1950)

Book cover Hoodoo

Everybody is in town for the wedding of Brighton Early and Miss Amy Lee. Unfortunately that includes Brighton's former flame, his handsome friend Billy with wandering eyes, a king's ransom in family jewels, a marvelous Egyptian scarab with a supposed history of evil influence. And, of course, a clever burglar. Along with several other characters to round out the cast of this farce.... - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Brighton Early, about to be married: Greg Giordano Billy Jackson, the heart breaker: Tomas Peter Professor Solomon Spiggot, an authority on Egypt: ToddHW Hemachus Spiggot, his son, aged seventeen: Adrian Stephens Mr...

By: John Vanbrugh (1664-1726)

Book cover Provoked Wife: A Comedy

This Restoration Comedy follows Lady Brute as she decides whether or not to cuckold her coarse and unloving husband. Not as brash and farcical as Vanbrugh's earlier play "The Relapse," "The Provoked Wife" comments on society and matrimony in a surprisingly modern way. - Summary by WendyKatzHiller Cast of Characters: Constant: Adrian Stephens Heartfree: Gred Giordano Sir John Brute: Alan Mapstone Treble, a Singing-Master : ToddHW Rasor, Valet de Chambre to Sir John Brute: Larry Wilson Justice of the Peace: Wayne Cooke Lord Rake, Companion to Sir John: Algy Pug Col...

By: Titus Maccius Plautus (254 BCE-184 BCE)

Book cover Aulularia; or, The Concealed Treasure

Euclio, a miserly old Athenian, has discovered a pot of gold in his house, Afraid it will be found and taken, he watches with the greatest anxiety and moves the treasure around, concealing it first in one spot and then another. Until.... - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: The Household God, who speaks the Prologue: ToddHW Euclio, an aged Athenian: Greg Giordano Megadorus, uncle of Lyconides: Algy Pug Lyconides, a young Athenian: Inkell Strobilus, servant of Megadorus and Lyconides: Alan Mapstone Pythodicus, servant of Megadorus: Kerry Adams Anthrax, Cook: ToddHW Congrio, Cook: Rapunzelina Eunomia, the sister of Megadorus: Kristin G...

By: Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927)

Book cover Woodbarrow Farm

Some confusion over a farm and an unexpected inheritance, with expectations of someone who is holding such a position. "You have rather a countrified walk, if you will forgive me for saying so — a more neglige style is adopted by the savoir vivre now, sir, and a more insouciant manner of carrying the umbrella. You walk too much in this way, sir." "Lord love us, do I walk like that?" "Just like that, sir. You see yourself, sir, what a very undestingue appearance it presents." - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Piffin: ToddHW Allen Rollitt: Greg Giordano Luke Cranbourne: Beeswaxcandle Mike Stratton: redrun Mr...

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