"Wife Without A Smile" by Arthur Wing Pinero is a thought-provoking and compelling play that delves into the complexities of marriage and societal expectations. The story follows the life of a struggling Victorian-era housewife who is forced to keep up appearances and maintain a facade of happiness, despite her internal struggles and unhappiness.
Throughout the play, the protagonist's journey to find her own voice and assert her independence is both relatable and empowering. Pinero masterfully explores themes of gender roles, societal pressures, and the constraints of marriage, all while maintaining a sense of wit and humor.
The characters are well-developed and the dialogue is engaging, drawing the reader in and keeping them invested in the outcome of the story. The plot is full of twists and turns that keep the audience on their toes, and the resolution is both satisfying and thought-provoking.
Overall, "Wife Without A Smile" is a powerful and insightful exploration of the struggles faced by women in society, and a reminder of the importance of staying true to oneself despite external pressures. Pinero's writing is a true testament to his talent as a playwright, and this play is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the complexities of marriage and gender dynamics.
Book Description:
Mr. Rippingill can not get his wife to relax her stony features and smile. Maybe even laugh. "Avis - Lady Whitstable and the pickled salmon. Now consider for a moment, my pet - reflect. What a grotesque contrast! A fine, crusted specimen of our English aristocracy and - pickled fish! The mere contemplation of two images so violently opposed in itself makes for mirth. Doesn't it dearest?" But it is tough going. So he tries to....
- Summary by ToddHW
Cast list:
Seymour Rippingill: Greg Giordano
Haynes Webbmarsh: Alan Mapstone
Vivian Trood: Tomas Peter
John Pullinger: ToddHW
Foley: James R. Hedrick
Avis, Mrs. Rippingill: Jenn Broda
Christabel, Mrs. Webbmarsh: Nissy
Mrs. Lovette: Sonia
Bates: Krista Zaleski
Stage Directions: MichaelMaggs
Editing: ToddHW