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By: William Ernest Henley (1849-1903)

Book cover Views and Reviews Essays in appreciation: Literature
Book cover Poems
Book cover Lyra Heroica A Book of Verse for Boys
Book cover Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses

By: Lucy Foster Madison (1865-1932)

A Maid at King Alfred’s Court by Lucy Foster Madison A Maid at King Alfred’s Court

By: William Ernest Henley (1849-1903)

Book cover The Song of the Sword and Other Verses
Book cover Plays of William E. Henley and R.L. Stevenson

By: Lucy Foster Madison (1865-1932)

Book cover A Daughter of the Union

By: Cornelius Mathews (1817-1889)

Book cover Chanticleer A Thanksgiving Story of the Peabody Family

By: Lucy Foster Madison (1865-1932)

Book cover Peggy Owen at Yorktown
Book cover In Doublet and Hose A Story for Girls
Peggy Owen and Liberty by Lucy Foster Madison Peggy Owen and Liberty
Peggy Owen Patriot A Story for Girls by Lucy Foster Madison Peggy Owen Patriot A Story for Girls

By: Ferrar Fenton Bible (1832-1920)

Numbers (FFB) by Ferrar Fenton Bible Numbers (FFB)

The record of the numbering of the nation of Israel, as well as the beginning of their "maturity" as they near the "promised land" of Canaan. (Introduction by Mark Penfold)

By: William Finden

Book cover The Ports, Harbours, Watering-places and Picturesque Scenery of Great Britain Vol. 1

By: George P. Upton (1834-1919)

Book cover The Standard Oratorios Their Stories, Their Music, And Their Composers
Book cover The Standard Cantatas Their Stories, Their Music, and Their Composers

By: John T. Morse (1840-1937)

Book cover John Quincy Adams

This biography contains three main sections. the first covers Adams's early years and his time as a diplomat--both in America and overseas. The second tells of his two careers as Secretary of State and President. The last involves his years in the House of Representatives.

By: George P. Upton (1834-1919)

Book cover The Standard Operas (12th edition) Their Plots, Their Music, and Their Composers

By: John Torrey Morse (1840-1937)

Book cover Abraham Lincoln, Volume I
Book cover Benjamin Franklin

By: George Jean Nathan (1882-1958)

Book cover A Book Without A Title

By: C.H. Becker

Book cover Christianity and Islam

By: Manuel Eduardo de Gorostiza

Book cover Contigo Pan y Cebolla

By: Henry Alleyne Nicholson (1844-1899)

Book cover The Ancient Life History of the Earth A Comprehensive Outline of the Principles and Leading Facts of Palæontological Science

By: Jacques W. (Jacques Wardlaw) Redway (1849-1942)

Book cover Commercial Geography A Book for High Schools, Commercial Courses, and Business Colleges

By: Ralph Barton Perry (1876-1957)

Book cover The Approach to Philosophy

By: Mary H. Northend (1850-1926)

Remodeled Farmhouses by Mary H. Northend Remodeled Farmhouses

"There is a certain fascination connected with the remodeling of a farmhouse. Its low, raftered interior, its weather-beaten exterior, never fail to appeal. Types vary with the period in which they were built, but all are of interest. In this collection, which has been pictured with great care, pains have been taken to show as many different types as possible, so that the student will be able to find numerous interesting details that can be incorporated into his contemplated remodeling." [opening lines of Preface]

By: Jean François Paul de Gondi de Retz (1613-1679)

Book cover The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz

By: Mary H. Northend

Book cover Colonial Homes and Their Furnishings
Book cover Historic Homes

By: Russell H. Conwell

The Key to Success by Russell H. Conwell The Key to Success

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