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By: William Godwin (1756-1836)

Book cover Lives of the Necromancers
Book cover Thoughts on Man, His Nature, Productions and Discoveries
Book cover Four Early Pamphlets
Book cover Italian Letters, Vols. I and II The History of the Count de St. Julian
Book cover Imogen A Pastoral Romance

By: David Livingstone (1813-1873)

Book cover Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
Book cover The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death
Book cover A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries

By: Gilbert Parker (1862-1932)

The Right of Way by Gilbert Parker The Right of Way

Charley Steele is a successful and brilliant Canadian lawyer. He has a nagging wife, Kathleen, and a lazy brother-in- law, Billy. In spite of his success, he is disillusioned with his life, drinks too much, and is deeply troubled by his agnosticism which leads to trouble and confusion. When Billy embezzles money, Charley discovers the theft and sets out to make things right. Charley however, ends up in a waterfront saloon where he encounters a barroom brawl and becomes unconscious. Charley loses his memory and ends up in the Canadian Northwoods where he falls in love with a pretty postmistress, Rosalie...

Book cover Old Quebec The Fortress of New France
Book cover Northern Lights
Book cover The Weavers: a tale of England and Egypt
Book cover Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
Book cover At the Sign of the Eagle
Book cover Quotes and Images From The Works of Gilbert Parker
Book cover A Lover's Diary
Book cover Cumner's Son and Other South Sea Folk
Book cover The Battle of the Strong:A Romance of Two Kingdoms
Book cover Donovan Pasha, and Some People of Egypt
Book cover The Money Master
Book cover Seats of The Mighty
Book cover The Trail of the Sword
Book cover Pierre and His People, Tales of the Far North
Book cover Romany of the Snows, Continuation of "Pierre and His People"
Book cover The Lane That Had No Turning
Book cover Quotations from the PG Collected Works of Gilbert Parker
Book cover The Judgment House
Book cover Michel and Angele
Book cover You Never Know Your Luck
Book cover Wild Youth
Book cover Parables of a Province
Book cover Carnac's Folly

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