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By: Charles Nordhoff (1830-1901)

Book cover Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands

By: Raphael Semmes (1809-1877)

Book cover Memoirs of Service Afloat, During the War Between the States

By: John A. Hobson (1858-1940)

Book cover The Evolution of Modern Capitalism A Study of Machine Production

By: Parley P. Pratt (1807-1857)

Book cover A Voice of Warning An introduction to the faith and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

By: Ed M. Clinton (1926-2006)

Book cover Untechnological Employment

By: Russell R. Winterbotham (1904-1971)

Book cover Lonesome Hearts

By: Arthur Dekker Savage

Book cover Trees Are Where You Find Them

By: Robert Smith Surtees (1805-1864)

Book cover Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities

By: Elizabeth Lynn Linton (1822-1898)

Book cover Modern Women and What is Said of Them A Reprint of A Series of Articles in the Saturday Review (1868)

By: Arthur Dekker Savage

Book cover DP

By: Elizabeth Lynn Linton (1822-1898)

Book cover Witch Stories

By: Russell R. Winterbotham (1904-1971)

Book cover The Whispering Spheres

By: John R. (John Ross) Macduff (1818-1895)

Book cover The Words of Jesus

By: Elizabeth Lynn Linton (1822-1898)

Book cover About Ireland

By: Ed M. Clinton (1926-2006)

Security Risk by Ed M. Clinton Security Risk

By: Will N. (Will Nathaniel) Harben (1858-1919)

Book cover Dixie Hart

By: Augusta J. Evans (1835-1909)

Book cover At the Mercy of Tiberius

By: John A. Hobson (1858-1940)

Book cover Problems of Poverty

By: Raphael Semmes (1809-1877)

Book cover The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter

By: Augusta J. Evans (1835-1909)

Book cover Macaria

By: Ed M. Clinton (1926-2006)

The Small World of M-75 by Ed M. Clinton The Small World of M-75

By: Will N. (Will Nathaniel) Harben (1858-1919)

Book cover The Land of the Changing Sun

By: Russell R. Winterbotham (1904-1971)

Book cover The Minus Woman

By: Will N. (Will Nathaniel) Harben (1858-1919)

Book cover The Cottage of Delight A Novel

By: John R. (John Ross) Macduff (1818-1895)

Book cover The Cities of Refuge: or, The Name of Jesus A Sunday book for the young

By: Augusta J. Evans (1835-1909)

Book cover Beulah

By: John A. Hobson (1858-1940)

Book cover Morals of Economic Internationalism

By: Arthur Dekker Savage

Fly By Night by Arthur Dekker Savage Fly By Night

By: John R. (John Ross) Macduff (1818-1895)

Book cover The Faithful Promiser

By: Charles Nordhoff (1830-1901)

Book cover The Communistic Societies of the United States From Personal Visit and Observation

By: John R. (John Ross) Macduff (1818-1895)

Book cover The Mind of Jesus

By: Will N. (Will Nathaniel) Harben (1858-1919)

Book cover The Hills of Refuge A Novel

By: John R. (John Ross) Macduff (1818-1895)

Book cover The Story of a Dewdrop
Book cover Memories of Bethany

By: Will N. (Will Nathaniel) Harben (1858-1919)

Book cover The Desired Woman

By: Augusta J. Evans (1835-1909)

Book cover Inez A Tale of the Alamo

By: Will N. (Will Nathaniel) Harben (1858-1919)

Book cover Westerfelt

By: Augusta J. Evans (1835-1909)

Book cover Infelice

By: James T. (James Thomas) Lightwood (1856-1944)

Book cover Charles Dickens and Music

By: Clara A. Urann

Book cover Yule-Tide in Many Lands

By: Fred W. Ward

Book cover The 23rd (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers (First Sportsman's) A Record of its Services in the Great War, 1914-1919

By: Rosalind Northcote (1873-1950)

Book cover Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts

By: T. J. (Thomas Joseph) Carey (1853-)

Book cover The New Pun Book

By: Cecil Chesterton (1879-1918)

Book cover A History of the United States

By: William George Hooper

Book cover Aether and Gravitation

By: Alexander H. (Alexander Hay) Japp (1837-1905)

Book cover Robert Louis Stevenson: a record, an estimate, and a memorial

By: Cleland Boyd McAfee

Book cover Study of the King James Bible

By: Willard Bonte

Book cover Fun and Nonsense

By: Walter C. Runciman

Book cover Gas and Oil Engines, Simply Explained An Elementary Instruction Book for Amateurs and Engine Attendants

By: Harry Vardon (1870-1937)

Book cover The Complete Golfer

By: Daniel Santiagoe

Book cover The Curry Cook's Assistant or, Curries, How to Make Them in England in Their Original Style

By: `Ali Muhammad Shirazi Bab (1819-1850)

Book cover Bahá’í Prayers: A Selection of Prayers Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

By: Neil Munro (1864-1930)

Book cover John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn

By: `Ali Muhammad Shirazi Bab (1819-1850)

Book cover Selections From the Writings of the Báb

By: John Caius (1510-1573)

Book cover The Sweating Sickness A boke or counseill against the disease commonly called the sweate or sweatyng sicknesse

By: Neil Munro (1864-1930)

Book cover Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure

By: John H. Young

Book cover Our Deportment Or the Manners, Conduct and Dress of the Most Refined Society

By: George Barton Cutten (1874-1962)

Book cover Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing

By: M. [Illustrator] Richter

Book cover Child-Land Picture-Pages for the Little Ones

By: Samuel R. (Samuel Roberts) Wells (1820-1875)

Book cover How To Behave: A Pocket Manual Of Republican Etiquette

By: Elbert Jay Benton

Book cover Introductory American History

By: Charles Reginald Haines

Book cover Christianity and Islam in Spain (756-1031)

By: Esaias Tegnér (1782-1846)

Book cover Fritiofs Saga

By: Burton Jesse Hendrick (1870-1949)

Book cover The Age of Big Business; a chronicle of the captains of industry

By: Esaias Tegnér (1782-1846)

Book cover Fridthjof's Saga; a Norse romance

By: Belle Kanaris Maniates

Book cover Amarilly of Clothes-line Alley
Book cover Penny of Top Hill Trail

By: Burton Jesse Hendrick (1870-1949)

Book cover The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I

By: Harlan Page Halsey (1839?-1898)

Book cover Two Wonderful Detectives Jack and Gil's Marvelous Skill

By: Belle Kanaris Maniates

Book cover Our Next-Door Neighbors

By: Charles Reginald Haines

A Vindication of England's Policy with Regard to the Opium Trade by Charles Reginald Haines A Vindication of England's Policy with Regard to the Opium Trade

By: Harlan Page Halsey (1839?-1898)

Book cover A Desperate Chance Or, The Wizard Tramp's Revelation, a Thrilling Narrative
Book cover Oscar the Detective Or, Dudie Dunne, The Exquisite Detective
Book cover The "Dock Rats" of New York Or, The Smuggler Band's Last Stand
Book cover A Successful Shadow A Detective's Successful Quest

By: Belle Kanaris Maniates

Book cover David Dunne A Romance of the Middle West

By: Nicolas Notovitch (1858-?)

Book cover The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ

The New Testament describes the life of Jesus, but nothing is said of his life between the ages of 14 and 29. Notovitch, like so many historians, tries to find evidence of what happened to Jesus during those years. He claims to have found the answer in an old document describing the life of Saint Issa. "The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ" is a copy of the manuscript along with Notovitch's reflections on his findings. It will take you on a journey to an unexpected land, linking people, cultures and religions you wouldn't dream of linking.

By: Arthur Hayden

Book cover Chats on Old Furniture A Practical Guide for Collectors

By: Mary J. [Editor] Safford

Book cover Roumanian Fairy Tales

By: De Alva Stanwood Alexander (1845-1925)

Book cover A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3

By: David Murray (1830-1905)

Book cover Japan

By: C. E. (Clara Elizabeth) Fanning (1878-1938)

Book cover Toaster's Handbook Jokes, Stories, and Quotations

By: William Pemble (1592?-1623)

Book cover A Briefe Introduction to Geography

By: Abraham Myerson (1881-1948)

Book cover The Foundations of Personality

By: Arthur Young (1741-1820)

Book cover A Tour in Ireland 1776-1779

By: Jagadis Chandra Bose (1858-1937)

Book cover Response in the Living and Non-Living
Book cover Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose His Life and Speeches

By: Egerton Ryerson (1803-1882)

Book cover The Story of My Life Being Reminiscences of Sixty Years' Public Service in Canada
Book cover The Loyalists of America and Their Times, Vol. 1 of 2. From 1620-1816

By: Abraham Myerson (1881-1948)

Book cover The Nervous Housewife

By: Egerton Ryerson (1803-1882)

Book cover The Loyalists of America and Their Times, Vol. 2 of 2 From 1620-1816

By: Donald Ogden Stewart

Perfect Behavior by Donald Ogden Stewart Perfect Behavior

A humorous guide to manners and etiquette for ladies and gentlemen in a social "crises," published in 1922. (Introduction by Samanem)

By: Walter W. Bryant (1865-1923)

Kepler by Walter W. Bryant Kepler

This biography of Johannes Kepler begins with an account of what the world of astronomy was like before his time, then proceeds to a look at his early years. Two chapters deal with his working relationship with Tycho Brahe. These are followed by a look at Kepler's laws and his last years.

By: Calvin B. (Calvin Blackman) Bridges (1889-1938)

Book cover Sex-linked Inheritance in Drosophila

By: Amerigo Vespucci

Book cover The Letters of Amerigo Vespucci and other documents illustrative of his career

By: Thomas Nash (1567-1601)

Book cover The Vnfortunate Traveller, or The Life Of Jack Wilton With An Essay On The Life And Writings Of Thomas Nash By Edmund Gosse

By: Dugald Butler (1862-1926)

Book cover Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys

By: John Bernhard Smith (1858-1912)

Book cover Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology

By: Ernest Giles (1835-1897)

Book cover Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,

By: J. H. Hill

Book cover Astral Worship

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