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Lords of the Housetops: Thirteen Cat Tales Unknown

The American Senator Anthony Trollope

The Children's Book of Christmas Stories Asa Don Dickinson

The Midnight Passenger Richard Henry Savage

Selected Essays Voltairine de Cleyre

The Masquerader Katherine Thurston

Life in the Iron Mills Rebecca Harding Davis

The Tree-Dwellers Katharine Elizabeth Dopp

Monsieur Lecoq: The Inquiry Émile Gaboriau

The Girl on the Boat P. G. Wodehouse

The Revelation of Baha-ullah in a Sequence of Four Lessons Isabella Matilda Davis Brittingham

The Pupil Henry James

The Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains Nathaniel Hawthorne

Our Mr. Wrenn, the Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man Sinclair Lewis

Facing the Flag Jules Verne

The Motor Girls Margaret Penrose

The Gilded Age, A Tale of Today Mark Twain

Sketches New and Old Mark Twain

Shakspere: Personal Recollections John A. Joyce

The Dawn of a To-morrow Frances Hodgson Burnett

Bib Ballads Ring Lardner

A Florentine Tragedy and La Sainte Courtisane Oscar Wilde

Countess Julie August Strindberg

Eben Holden - A Tale of the North Country Irving Bacheller

In Kent with Charles Dickens Thomas Frost

The Return of the Soul Robert Smythe Hichens

In Freedom's Cause George Alfred Henty

The Fruit of the Tree Edith Wharton

The Lock and Key Library Unknown

Olive Dinah Maria Craik

In the Cage Henry James

Pamphilia to Amphilanthus Lady Mary Wroth

Merton of the Movies Harry Leon Wilson

This Simian World Clarence Day, Jr.

The Figure in the Carpet Henry James

Hypatia Charles Kingsley

Miss Mackenzie Anthony Trollope

The Marble Faun Nathaniel Hawthorne

Beric the Briton - A Story of the Roman Invasion George Alfred Henty

The Guilty River Wilkie Collins

Caleb Williams or Things As They Are William Godwin

Autumn Leaves, Original Pieces in Prose and Verse Anne Wales Abbott ed.

The Secret House Edgar Wallace

That Mother-in-Law of Mine Anonymous

The Night of the Long Knives Fritz Leiber

Selections from Ballads of a Cheechako Robert W. Service

Many Voices (selection from) Edith Nesbit

Evelina's Garden Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

Conjuror's House, a Romance of the Free Forest Stewart Edward White

The Light that Failed Rudyard Kipling

Marius the Epicurean Walter Pater

The Real Thing Henry James

Romola George Eliot

The Turmoil Booth Tarkington

Huntingtower John Buchan

The Pagan Madonna Harold MacGrath

Tom Swift in Captivity Victor Appleton

Empire Clifford D. Simak

Tea-table Talk Jerome K. Jerome

Victory: An Island Tale Joseph Conrad

The Financier Theodore Dreiser

Beverly Of Graustark George Barr McCutcheon

Renascence and Other Poems Edna St. Vincent Millay

Vice Versa F. Anstey

The History of the Life of the Late Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great Henry Fielding

Humour of the North Unknown

The Spoilers Rex Beach

Calumet "K" Samuel Merwin

Second April Edna St. Vincent Millay

In the Closed Room Frances Hodgson Burnett

Clotel, or, The President's Daughter William Wells Brown

The Motor Girls on a Tour Margaret Penrose

Samson Agonistes John Milton

The Vicomte De Bragelonne Alexandre Dumas

The Romance of an Old Fool Roswell Field

The Touchstone Edith Wharton

Sir Nigel Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Confession of a Child of the Century Alfred de Musset

Troilus and Cressida William Shakespeare

Five Little Peppers Abroad Margaret Sidney

Further Foolishness Stephen Leacock

The Harbor Ernest Poole

Sanctuary Edith Wharton

Pierre and Luce Romain Rolland

Idle Ideas in 1905 Jerome K. Jerome

Our Nig, or, Sketches from the Life of a Free Black, In A Two-Story White House Harriet E. Wilson

Henry VIII William Shakespeare

On Something Hilaire Belloc

Mary Stuart Friedrich Schiller

Flood Tide Sara Ware Bassett

The Autobiography of Methuselah John Kendrick Bangs

The Tribulations of a Chinaman in China Jules Verne

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The Story of Avis Elizabeth Stuart Phelps

The Big Time Fritz Leiber

Parnassus on Wheels Christopher Morley

The Whole Family William Dean Howells, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Mary Heaton Vorse

Scenes of Clerical Life George Eliot