"Witch of the Glens" by Sally Watson is a captivating and enchanting historical novel that transports readers to the rugged and mystical landscape of Scotland. The protagonist, Meg, is a young girl with a mysterious past and a unique gift for healing. As she navigates the harsh realities of life in 17th century Scotland, she must also confront her own inner demons and the prejudices of those around her.
Watson's vivid descriptions of the Scottish Highlands and the intricacies of daily life in the 17th century are both immersive and educational. Readers will find themselves swept up in the drama and intrigue of Meg's journey, as she grapples with love, loss, and her own identity.
The character development in "Witch of the Glens" is particularly well-done, as Meg evolves from a shy and sheltered girl into a strong and independent woman. Her relationships with the other characters in the novel are rich and nuanced, adding depth and complexity to the story.
Overall, "Witch of the Glens" is a beautifully written and emotionally resonant novel that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and coming-of-age stories. Sally Watson's talent for storytelling shines through in this gripping and memorable tale.
Book Description:
The time is 1644 in Inverness Scotland. Kelpie, now a teenage girl, doesn't remember being kidnapped by Gypsies. They had kidnapped her at a very young age because her "Second Sight" that was indicated by her blue ringed eyes. Kelpie desperately wishes she were a witch and often wondered where she had come from. We follow Kelpie through a series of events that changes her life forever. - Summary by kirk202