By: Jules Verne (1828-1905)
Viaje al centro de la Tierra is a classic science fiction novel written by Jules Verne. The story follows Professor Lidenbrock, his nephew Axel, and their guide Hans as they embark on a journey to the center of the Earth. The trio encounters various dangers and obstacles as they descend deep into the Earth's crust, facing everything from treacherous caves to erupting volcanoes.
Verne's vivid descriptions of the underground world are both imaginative and educational, showcasing his keen interest in geology and natural history. The characters are well-developed and their relationships are believable, adding depth to the story.
Overall, Viaje al centro de la Tierra is a gripping adventure tale that will captivate readers of all ages. Verne's visionary storytelling and attention to detail make this novel a must-read for anyone interested in science fiction or exploration literature. Book Description: El profesor Lidenbrock, que une a su condición de verdadero sabio una terquedad sin límites, descifra un viejo pergamino devolviendo pacientemente su sentido a los incomprensibles signos que en él se contienen. ¡Extraordinarios peligros de la lectura! El descifrado de aquel texto arrastrará inevitablemente al propio Lidenbrok, a su joven sobrino Axel y al valeroso cazador Hans Bjelke hasta el mismísimo centro de la Tierra, poblado de animales antediluvianos, tempestades terribles y otros riesgos sin mayor importancia. -