"УШКУЙНИКИ, альманах" by Nina Berberova is a poignant and emotionally charged collection of short stories that explore the lives of Russian immigrants living in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s. Berberova's writing is lyrical and evocative, capturing the struggles and triumphs of her characters with sensitivity and depth.
Each story in the anthology delves into the complexities of human relationships, offering a glimpse into the inner lives of the eponymous "УШКУЙНИКИ" (a term used to describe Russian immigrants). From the joys and sorrows of love and friendship to the harsh realities of displacement and loss, Berberova weaves a rich tapestry of emotions that resonates long after the last page is turned.
The author's keen observations and keen insight into the human condition make this collection a compelling and thought-provoking read. Berberova's prose is elegant and engaging, drawing readers into the lives of her characters and immersing them in a world that is both familiar and foreign.
Overall, "УШКУЙНИКИ, альманах" is a captivating and beautifully crafted anthology that will appeal to fans of Russian literature and anyone interested in exploring themes of identity, exile, and belonging. Berberova's timeless stories are a testament to the enduring power of the written word and the universality of human experience.
Book Description:
Collection of poetry by nine young authors, some of whom later became famous.
Альманах поэзии девяти юных авторов, некоторые из которых впоследствии приобрели известность: Нина Берберова , Фредерика Наппельбаум , Ник. Радищев , Николай Тихонов, Константин Вагинов, Ида Наппельбаум и др.