Under the Tiger's Claws by Nicholas Carter is a gripping historical fiction novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the jungles of India during the British Raj. The story follows protagonist Emily, a young British woman who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue her father, who has been captured by a band of rebels.
Carter does an excellent job of transporting readers to the exotic setting of 19th century India, vividly describing the sights, sounds, and smells of the bustling cities and dense forests. The action-packed plot keeps readers on the edge of their seats, with plenty of twists and turns to keep the story moving at a quick pace.
The characters in Under the Tiger's Claws are well-developed and relatable, with Emily standing out as a strong and determined heroine who is willing to risk everything to save her father. The interactions between the characters are realistic and engaging, adding depth to the story.
Overall, Under the Tiger's Claws is a well-written and exciting novel that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and adventure stories. Carter's expert storytelling and attention to detail make this book a must-read for anyone looking for a thrilling and immersive reading experience.
Book Description:
Nick Carter is a fictional detective who first appeared in 1886 in dime store novels. Over the years, different authors, all taking the nom de plume Nicholas Carter, have penned stories featuring "America's greatest detective". In this story, Nick is called to visit his banker friend, Mr. Gilsley, who is concerned about some missing money. Also present at the meeting is Belle Braddon, the banker's stenographer. Although the young woman is striking, there is something about her that Nick doesn't trust. - Summary by Lynne Thomson