By: F. Tennyson Jesse (1888-1958)
"Sword of Deborah" is a gripping historical novel that dives deep into the tumultuous events of World War I. The story follows the courageous and determined protagonist, Deborah Durrant, as she navigates the dangers and challenges of war-torn Europe.
F. Tennyson Jesse's writing is vivid and powerful, effectively transporting the reader into the heart of the battlefield. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and their struggles and triumphs feel incredibly real.
The novel also explores themes of love, loyalty, and sacrifice, making it a compelling and emotionally resonant read. Overall, "Sword of Deborah" is a masterfully crafted novel that is sure to captivate readers from start to finish. Book Description: "The Sword of Deborah" contains the reflections of a woman journalist visiting women working behind the lines in France during World War I. She writes: "I was glad to have seen all the different convoys I had, because no two had been to me alike, and to each I am indebted for a differing expression of the same vision, which is the vision splendid of a duty undertaken gladly and sustained with courage. From my first convoys -- the Fannies and the G.S.V.A.D.'s -- I got the wonderful facts of it, at the V.A.D. Convoy at E---- I caught that side of it which I as most glad of all to encounter, and at the V.A.D. Convoy at T----- I found that delightful spirit of sheer joy in danger which is too precious to be allowed to die out of the world just because there happens to be, at present, such a great deal too much danger let loose upon it."