Sleet by Nannie Rebecca Glass is a heart-wrenching novel that delves into the complexities of family relationships and personal growth. The story follows the protagonist, Jessa, as she navigates the aftermath of a tragic event that shakes her family to its core.
Glass does a masterful job of capturing the emotional turmoil and grief that Jessa experiences, allowing readers to truly empathize with her journey. The author skillfully weaves together past and present timelines, gradually unraveling the secrets and tensions that have long simmered beneath the surface of Jessa's family dynamic.
The writing is poignant and evocative, painting a vivid picture of Jessa's internal struggles and the fragile bonds that connect her to her loved ones. The supporting characters are equally well-developed, each contributing their own perspectives and motivations to the narrative.
Overall, Sleet is a powerful and moving exploration of love, loss, and the importance of forgiveness. Glass's storytelling is both thought-provoking and deeply resonant, leaving a lasting impact on readers long after they have turned the final page.
Book Description:
volunteers bring you 17 recordings of The Sleet by Nannie Rebecca Glass.
This was the Weekly Poetry project for February 2, 2020.
This Weekly Poem is taken from The Mountain Spring and Other Poems, pub 1913 - Summary by David Lawrence