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Romance of Piracy

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By: (1878-1944)

Romance of Piracy by Edward Keble Chatterton is a captivating and detailed exploration of the history and legends surrounding piracy. The author delves into the lives of famous pirates such as Blackbeard and Calico Jack, providing a mix of factual information and romanticized tales that make for an entertaining read.

Chatterton's writing style is engaging and immersive, bringing to life the high seas adventures of these infamous figures. He manages to balance the brutality and violence of piracy with the allure of freedom and adventure that attracted many to a life of crime on the ocean.

The book is well-researched, with extensive references and footnotes that lend credibility to the stories being told. Chatterton's passion for the subject matter shines through in his writing, making this a must-read for anyone interested in the history of piracy.

Overall, Romance of Piracy is a well-written and informative book that successfully captures the fascination and allure of pirates and their way of life. Whether you're a history buff or simply looking for a swashbuckling adventure, this book is sure to entertain and educate.

Book Description:
The Library of Romance is a series of books concerning the romance of scientific facts, be it biology, chemistry, history, or politics. This volume is one of history, concerning an account of the known facts of piracy, starting with the Vikings, and arching in history and geography toward an account of piracy in Chinese waters at around the time of publication of this volume . - Summary by Carolin

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