Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, Volume 2 by Robert Paltock is a thrilling continuation of the original tale. The author does a fantastic job of delving deeper into the character of Peter Wilkins and the fantastical world he inhabits. The plot is engaging and keeps the reader hooked from beginning to end.
One of the standout aspects of this book is the vivid and imaginative descriptions of the various lands and creatures that Peter encounters on his journey. Paltock's world-building is truly remarkable, creating a sense of wonder and excitement with each turn of the page.
The character development in this volume is also well-done, as Peter faces new challenges and grows as a person throughout his adventures. The relationships he forms and the lessons he learns along the way add depth and complexity to his character, making him a truly relatable and engaging protagonist.
Overall, Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, Volume 2 is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure. Paltock's writing is top-notch, and the story is both captivating and thought-provoking. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a thrilling and immersive reading experience.
Book Description:
The imaginary voyage, from which a hero returns made wise through extraordinary experience, is at least as old as Odysseus. But the major inspiration for this 1750 iteration is Gulliver’s Travels , with which it shares elements of early sci-fi. Wilkins’ new friends are a lens through which to contemplate the customs of his old English ones, as the Lilliputians and Brobdingnagians were for Lemuel Gulliver.