Green Jacket by Jennette Lee is a captivating novel that tells the story of a young woman named Claire who inherits a mysterious green jacket from her grandmother. The jacket seems to carry some kind of power that helps Claire overcome various challenges in her life.
The author does a wonderful job of creating a sense of mystery and intrigue surrounding the jacket, making it a central focus of the story. Claire's character is well-developed and relatable, and readers will find themselves cheering her on as she navigates the ups and downs of her journey.
Lee's writing is engaging and paints vivid images of the settings and characters in the book. The pacing is well-done, keeping readers hooked from start to finish. The themes of family, heritage, and the power of self-discovery are heartwarming and thought-provoking.
Overall, Green Jacket is a delightful and enchanting read that will appeal to fans of magical realism and coming-of-age stories. Lee's storytelling is captivating, and the message of finding strength within oneself is both empowering and uplifting. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a charming and moving story.
Book Description:
An early example of the female private detective, Jennette Lee’s Millicent Newberry made her first appearance in The Green Jacket in 1917 and was also featured in two later books, The Mysterious Office in 1922 and Dead Right in 1925. Miss Newberry brings her own unique perspective to her cases, only accepting those where she has a say in what happens to the guilty party. She is rarely without her knitting, using it as a technique to put clients and suspects alike at ease, while also knitting her notes on the case into the pattern! In The Green Jacket, Millie goes undercover to solve a case involving a stolen emerald necklace that, despite the efforts of other detectives, including her former boss, Tom Corbett, has never been recovered.