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Frithiof Saga

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By: (1816-1890)

Frithiof Saga is a captivating and engaging tale that immerses readers in a world full of adventure, romance, and intrigue. The characters are well-developed and the plot is rich with detail, making it easy to become emotionally invested in their journey.

Throughout the story, the author masterfully weaves together themes of love, loyalty, and honor, creating a narrative that is both thought-provoking and entertaining. The descriptions of the landscapes and settings are vivid and transport the reader to the fantastical world of Frithiof and his companions.

Schmidt's writing style is evocative and poetic, drawing the reader in from the very first page. The pacing of the story keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, eager to see what will happen next.

Overall, Frithiof Saga is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure. It is a timeless tale that will stay with readers long after they have turned the final page.

Book Description:
Iceland is the home of the Saga, a form of literature which includes the telling of the story of a hero’s life and adventures in a fixed, regular form, and which is usually intended for recitation, though the Saga is never set in the customary versified style of poetry. A large number of these Sagas, relating to Iceland, Greenland, North America, and the Norse countries, still remain, and among them the Frithiof Saga, narrating the stirring adventures of that hero of the Northland and Viking of its seas, is one of the most beautiful. Its subject is noble, heroic, and free from exaggerated description or overwrought sentiment. Frithiof is a splendid type of the old Norse hero, invincible in battle upon the land, fearless of Nature’s wrath as he sails the seas in his dragon ship, impulsive yet just, swift in punishment yet quick in forgiveness. The central motives of the Saga are his love for King Bele’s daughter, Ingeborg; the refusal of her brothers to sanction their marriage because the hero is not of royal birth; her unwilling marriage to the old King Ring; Frithiof’s exile, and his final union with Ingeborg after the death of her husband and reconciliation with her brother. Interwoven with the narrative itself, which is full of dramatic situations, are some of the old myths, than which none is more beautiful than the death of the gentle god Balder. The very breath of the North sweeps through the stately story which the German author has told with so much skill. Those who wish to come in closer contact with the Saga itself can do so by consulting Bishop Tegner’s masterly translation. - Summary by George Upton

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