Cat's Paw by Natalie Sumner Lincoln is a thrilling mystery novel set in a quaint New England town. The story follows amateur detective Peggy and her loyal sidekick Al as they work to uncover the truth behind a series of strange events plaguing their community.
The author does a fantastic job of weaving together a complex and engaging mystery that kept me guessing until the very end. The characters are well-developed and likable, and I found myself becoming emotionally invested in their journey to solve the case.
The pacing of the novel is excellent, with the suspense building steadily throughout the story. The descriptions of the town and its residents are vivid and immersive, making me feel like I was right there alongside Peggy and Al as they searched for clues.
Overall, Cat's Paw is a gripping and satisfying read that will appeal to fans of classic mysteries. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a well-written and entertaining whodunit.
Book Description:
Susan Baird is found dead at her tea-table and all the evidence points to murder. She is supposed to have been penniless but when her will is found her niece Kitty inherits a fortune. Grave suspicion shifts from one person to another and the two suitors for Kitty's hand whom Washington society had watched with interest seem closely connected with the many clues which again and again prove worthless. Until the closing chapters unravel the mystery you suspect the most innocent people and the real murderer and his fiendish devices come as a shock. - Summary from "The Book Review Digest" 1923