Adventure of the Broad Arrow: An Australian Romance by Morley Roberts is a thrilling novel that takes readers on a journey through the Australian outback. The story follows the protagonist, Jack Devereux, a young Englishman who arrives in Australia seeking adventure and fortune.
Throughout the book, Jack encounters a cast of colorful characters and faces numerous challenges as he navigates the harsh and unforgiving landscape of the outback. From treacherous river crossings to dangerous encounters with bushrangers, Jack's journey is filled with excitement and danger at every turn.
The author does an excellent job of capturing the beauty and brutality of the Australian wilderness, painting a vivid picture of the rugged landscape and the people who inhabit it. The pacing of the story is fast-paced and keeps readers engaged from start to finish.
Overall, Adventure of the Broad Arrow is a captivating and immersive read that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and adventure novels. Morley Roberts has crafted a compelling tale that is sure to leave a lasting impression on readers.
Book Description:
When a few men decide to go for looking for gold in the outback of Australia, days of extreme heat with no water and no rain in sight, make them turn back and give up the trip; all but two of them that is, Smith and Mandeville, aka the "Baker. Smith and Baker decide to tough it out and go after their dreams, chancing their lives to find "their luck". Little do they realize, they will put their lives in grave danger, and this quest for gold will turn into a nightmare. Life threatening food and water deprivation is a constant issue, and they had no idea they would stumble upon an unknown tribe of prehistoric white men that are head hunters and cannibals. Will they survive the harsh bush conditions, the fierce inferno of the desert, and a deadly tribe? And what about the gold? Is there gold to be found, and if so, will it ever be their reality? An incredible adventure with lots of twists and turns awaits...