By: Jeanne Marni (1854-1910)
Stille Existenzen by Jeanne Marni is a haunting and deeply evocative exploration of loss, grief, and the passage of time. The novel follows the protagonist, a young woman grappling with the sudden death of her mother and the subsequent unraveling of her own sense of self. Marni's prose is poetic and sparse, weaving a quiet and contemplative atmosphere that mirrors the protagonist's internal struggles.
The novel is structured as a series of vignettes, each one delving deeper into the protagonist's memories and emotions. Marni deftly captures the disorienting nature of grief, as well as the way in which loss can color every aspect of one's life. Through the protagonist's journey, Marni explores themes of identity, family, and the fragile nature of human connections.
While the novel's slow pace and introspective narrative may not be to everyone's taste, those willing to immerse themselves in Marni's lyrical prose will find a deeply moving and introspective read. Stille Existenzen is a testament to the power of storytelling to illuminate the darkest corners of the human experience, and a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness of all existence. Book Description: In einer Sammlung von Einaktern zeigt die Autorin ihr Gespür für menschliche Empfindungen, Regungen, Stärken und Schwächen. Sie skizziert diese in Gesprächen vortrefflich. Oft enden die Gespräche anders als erwartet.
Bernd Ungerer: Monsieur Gailhard
Boris: Anatole
Eva K.: Madame Savoncru, Madame Derle
Jonas Michel: André, Erzähler , Editor
Karlsson: Erzähler , Editor
Katharina Glowalla: Rémy, Célestine, Victoire, Emma, Germaine, Josephine, Erzähler , Editor
Lissy Schneider: Lily, Paèle, Céline, Emily, Marcelle
lorda: Maxime, Monsieur Desclés, Erzähler , Editor
Margot: Madame d'Alysse, Madame de Brauver, Luise, Madame Boisil, Achart, Mlle. Basles, Madame Leclère, Georgette, Madame Desclés, Madame Brou, Madame Verdyait, Erzähler
Martin Harbecke: Erzähler , Editor
merendo07: Envoix
schrm: Madame Mael, Bernale, Erzähler
seito: Julien Loran, Henri, Erzähler , Editor
Sonia: Madame Loursain, Martha, Folain, Lucien, Suzon