Garshin's collection of short stories is a delightful and thought-provoking read for both children and adults. The stories are beautifully written, with vivid descriptions and engaging characters that draw the reader in from the very first page. Each story has its own unique message or moral, making this book perfect for both entertainment and deeper reflection.
The range of topics covered in the stories is impressive, from tales of bravery and adventure to more somber and introspective pieces. Garshin's storytelling skills are evident throughout the book as he weaves together engaging plots with well-developed characters.
One of the standout features of this collection is the way in which Garshin seamlessly appeals to both children and adults alike. The themes explored in the stories are universal and relatable, ensuring that readers of all ages will find something to enjoy within these pages.
Overall, Short Stories for Children and Adults is a captivating and enriching read that will entertain, inspire, and provoke thought in equal measure. Garshin's skillful storytelling and universal themes make this book a must-read for readers of all ages.
Book Description:
Всеволод Михайлович Гаршин . Его первый опубликованный рассказ «Четыре дня» сразу принес ему известность. В его творчестве драматизм действия заменён драматизмом мысли, драматизмом переживаний, которые и являются основным материалом для Гаршина. Писатель страдал приступами нервного расстройства и в возрасте 33 лет совершил самоубийство.
Первые пять сказок адресованы детям, "Сигнал" подросткам, остальные для зрелой аудитории.
Vsevolod Garshin . His short stories were an immediate success, but he suffered from periodical bouts of mental illness. At the age of 33 he committed suicide. His stories are characterized by a spirit of compassion and pity comparable to Dostoevsky's and Chekhov's.
His story Signal appears in English translation in "Best Russian Short Stories" collection here.