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fleurs du mal

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By: (1821-1867)

I recently finished reading a collection of poetry by Charles Baudelaire titled "Les Fleurs du Mal" and I was truly captivated by the haunting beauty of his words. Baudelaire's exploration of themes such as love, death, beauty, and despair left me spellbound and deeply moved. His use of vivid imagery and evocative language painted a picture of a world filled with darkness and decadence, yet somehow still filled with a strange kind of beauty.

The poems in this collection are deeply introspective and raw, delving into the depths of the human experience with an unflinching gaze. Baudelaire's ability to capture the complexities of human emotions and desires in such a raw and unfiltered way is truly masterful. Each poem feels like a window into the poet's soul, revealing a deep sense of longing and despair that is both haunting and beautiful.

Overall, I would highly recommend "Les Fleurs du Mal" to anyone looking to delve into the depths of their own emotions and explore the darker, more complex aspects of the human experience. Baudelaire's poetry is not for the faint of heart, but for those willing to brave the darkness, it offers a truly transformative experience.

Book Description:
La compilation de poèmes intitulée "Les fleurs du mal" de Charles Baudelaire fit fureur et scandale dès sa publication initiale. Du coup, six poèmes furent censurés pour immoralité et n'apparaîtront que dans les publications d'après 1949. Voici l'édition de 1896 qui est une compilation presque complète de 152 poèmes, témoins du réalisme et de l'esprit innovateur et provocateur de Baudelaire. - Summary by Sonia

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