By: Various
Lecture, tome 3 is a compelling collection of essays and speeches by various authors that explores a wide range of topics, from literature and philosophy to politics and history. The diversity of perspectives and ideas presented in this book make it an engaging read for anyone interested in expanding their intellectual horizons.
One of the standout features of Lecture, tome 3 is the way in which the various authors tackle complex issues with clarity and insight. Each essay is well-researched and thoughtfully argued, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the subject matter at hand. Whether discussing the role of art in society or the challenges of modern democracy, the authors in this book offer valuable insights that will prompt readers to think critically about the world around them.
Overall, Lecture, tome 3 is a thought-provoking collection that is sure to stimulate conversation and debate. Whether you are a seasoned academic or simply a curious reader, this book offers something for everyone. I highly recommend picking up a copy and diving into the rich, diverse world of ideas presented within its pages. Book Description: La Lecture était une revue littéraire bi-mensuelle française de la fin du 19e siècle, publiant surtout des nouvelles en feuilleton, mais aussi de la poésie et des textes scientifiques. Voici le tome 3 qui rassemble les six parutions du 10 janvier au 25 mars 1888. - Summary by Sonia
Personnages de la pièce "Une perle", par Gyp :
Narrateur: Sonia
Jacques: Rémi
Blandine de Nanterre: Christiane Jehanne
Pierre de Sangêne: Margot
Personnages de la pièce "L'hôtel Le Sage", par Louis Dépret :
Narrateur: Sonia
Alice Ferlié: Stéphanie
Marthe Delamarre: Margot
Edmond Derigny: Rémi
Personnages de la pièce "Le guillotiné par persuasion", par Eugène Chavette :
Narrateur: Sonia
Employé de la préfecture/Tentateur: Rémi
Chef de division: Pier
Saint-Phar: Sandra Schmit