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By: (c. 8th cen - c. 8th cen)

Homer's epic poem Ilíada is a profound exploration of the consequences of war, human nature, and the complexities of heroism. Set during the Trojan War, the story follows the Greek hero Achilles as he grapples with pride, anger, and his own mortality.

The characters in Ilíada are vividly depicted and remarkably human, each grappling with their own flaws and desires. Homer masterfully weaves together themes of honor, duty, and the futility of war, creating a narrative that is both timeless and universal.

The language of Ilíada is rich and evocative, transporting the reader to an ancient world filled with gods, warriors, and tragedy. Homer's poetic skills are on full display, with vivid descriptions of battles, landscapes, and emotions that bring the story to life.

Overall, Ilíada is a masterpiece of epic poetry that continues to captivate and inspire readers centuries after it was written. It is a must-read for anyone interested in classic literature, mythology, or simply a beautifully told story.

Book Description:
La Ilíada de Homero es un poema épico compuesto en dialecto homérico por veinticuatro cantos (15.688 hexámetros dactílicos en total) en que se cantan las hazañas de los combatientes en la guerra de Troya, ciudad asediada por los Aqueos entre 1250 y 1194. (Resumen por Tux)

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