By: Murasaki Shikibu
"The Tale of Genji, Version 2" is a timeless classic that explores the complexities of human relationships, emotions, and societal expectations in eleventh-century Japan. Written by Murasaki Shikibu, this epic novel follows the life of Genji, a handsome and charismatic nobleman whose romantic pursuits and personal struggles serve as a window into the intricacies of court life during the Heian period.
Shikibu's exquisite prose and intricate storytelling captivate readers from the very beginning, drawing them into a world of beauty, intrigue, and heartache. The characters are vividly portrayed, each with their own hopes, fears, and desires, making them feel incredibly real and relatable. Through Genji's experiences, we witness the universal themes of love, loss, and the passage of time, transcending cultural boundaries to resonate with readers of all backgrounds.
While the novel's length and complexity may be daunting to some, those willing to invest the time and effort will be rewarded with a rich and immersive reading experience that will stay with them long after they have closed the book. "The Tale of Genji, Version 2" is a masterpiece of world literature that continues to enchant and inspire readers centuries after it was first written. Book Description: Genji Monogatari, or The Tale of Genji, is a Japanese classic novel from the eleventh century. Supposedly commissioned by members of the Imperial Family, it tells the story of the son of the Emperor's favorite concubine and his role as a privileged boy and man, but not quite recognized as royal. He is placed in a loveless marriage, but continues a number of 'friendships' with the women of the court. This translation brings us the first seventeen chapters, and there is some dispute over the authorship of later chapters. The book gives us a fascinating insight into court life of the period. - Summary by Lynne Thompson