Fantasy, Faeries, and Ghosts is a delightful collection of short stories that will transport readers to magical realms filled with enchanting creatures and supernatural beings. Each story in this anthology was written by a different author, showcasing a wide range of writing styles and imaginative worlds.
The stories in this book range from whimsical and light-hearted to dark and haunting, offering something for every reader's taste. From mischievous faeries causing havoc in the human world to ghosts seeking closure from their past lives, each tale is sure to captivate and entertain.
What truly sets this anthology apart is the creativity and originality of each author's storytelling. Readers will find themselves immersed in richly-drawn settings, rooting for complex characters, and eagerly turning the pages to uncover each story's twists and turns.
Overall, Fantasy, Faeries, and Ghosts is a must-read for fans of fantasy and supernatural fiction. Whether you're looking for a quick escape from reality or a new world to get lost in, this anthology is sure to satisfy your craving for magic and adventure.
Book Description:
In this collection three of the original titans in the field of fantasy literature (Edgar Allan Poe, George MacDonald, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu) take you on a magical guided tour of fairyland and adjoining countries and introduce you to whimsical, strange and even scary encounters and adventures with inhabitants such as good and bad fairies, ghosts and even the Devil. The stories included are “Cross Purposes” “The Carasoyn” “Bon-Bon” “The Child That Went With The Fairies” “Madam Crowl’s Ghost” and as an added bonus the beautiful (and cautionary) fairy poem “Queen Mab” by Thomas Hood.