El Libro de la Vida |
El Libro de la Vida by Santa Teresa de Jesus is a profound and enlightening autobiography that delves into the spiritual journey of the author. Through beautifully crafted prose, Santa Teresa shares her experiences, struggles, and revelations in her quest for a deeper connection with God.
The book offers valuable insights into the nature of faith, prayer, and the practice of contemplation. Santa Teresa's sincerity and passion shine through her words, making this work a truly inspiring read for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual understanding.
Her wisdom and teachings resonate with readers of all backgrounds, drawing them into a world of profound spiritual contemplation and growth. The book's relevance transcends time and remains a timeless masterpiece in the realm of spiritual literature.
Overall, El Libro de la Vida is a captivating and thought-provoking read that offers valuable lessons on faith, devotion, and the pursuit of a meaningful life. Santa Teresa's profound insights will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on readers and inspire them to embark on their own spiritual journey. Book Description: El Libro de la Vida se redactó en periodos sucesivos y con finalidades distintas, aunque el periodo de redacción definitivo suele situarse entre 1562-1566. La Santa lo escribió por mandato y bajo la dirección de sus confesores, e iba dirigido a un círculo religioso reducido. El Libro comprende hasta sus 50 años de edad y lo escribe durante una de las etapas más difíciles de su vida. En los primeros capítulos Santa Teresa aporta gran cantidad de información autobiográfica sobre su vida familiar, su infancia, y su ingreso en la vida religiosa. A lo largo del libro hay otros episodios de este tipo: sus referencias al Santo fray Pedro de Alcántara, a quien conoció personalmente, y el proceso que le llevó a la fundación del primer monasterio reformado de San José de Avila, se encuentran entre las más memorables. Pero en su mayor parte el Libro de la Vida narra su progreso espiritual y sus vivencias místicas, así como su práctica y concepción de la oración, escrito en su particular estilo analítico y enormemente sincero. Por esto se ha calificado a la obra como “autobiografía introspectiva”. Esta obra, como todos los escritos de la Santa, están entre los más sobresalientes tesoros de la literatura mística de la Iglesia Católica. (Resumen: Marian Martín). The Autobiography was written in different stages and probably with varying intentions, but the final version was produced in 1562-1566. The Saint wrote it under the direction of her confessors, and it was intended for a small religious circle. The work covers her life until the age of 50, and was written during one of the most difficult periods of her life. In the first chapters Saint Theresa presents a good deal of autobiographic information about her family, her childhood, and how she entered the religious life. Interspersed throughout the book are other episodes of this type: her descriptions of Saint Peter of Alcantara, whom she knew personally, and the process that led to the foundation of the first reformed monastery of Saint Joseph in Avila, are among the most memorable. But for the most part the Autobiography describes her spiritual progress and mystical experiences, as well as her views and practice of prayer, written in her analytical and highly sincere style. For this reason the work has been called “an introspective autobiography”. It stands, as do all her other works, among the most remarkable treasures of the mystical literature of the Catholic Church. |
Genres for this book |
Biography |
Non-fiction |
Religion |
Links related to this book |
Wikipedia – Teresa de Jesus |
Gutenberg e-text |
Reviews (Rated: 5 Stars - 3 reviews) |
Reviewer: User - March 15, 2020 Yo tambien me gusta la voz de la mujer que lee el libro |
Reviewer: User - August 4, 2014 Me gusta la voz de la mujer que lee el libro. |
Reviewer: User - February 18, 2013 Great book. |