In "Leavenworth," Anna Katharine Green delivers a gripping and suspenseful mystery that keeps readers guessing until the very end. The author's skillful storytelling and intricate plot twists create a sense of unease and intrigue that will captivate even the most seasoned mystery enthusiasts.
The characters are well-developed and engaging, each with their own motives and secrets that add depth to the story. Green's writing is atmospheric and evocative, setting the scene in the gothic Leavenworth mansion with chilling detail.
As the investigation unfolds and the truth behind the mysterious death of Horatio Leavenworth is slowly revealed, readers will be on the edge of their seats, trying to piece together the clues alongside the detectives. The final reveal is both shocking and satisfying, tying up all loose ends in a clever and unexpected way.
Overall, "Leavenworth" is a masterfully crafted mystery that will keep readers hooked from start to finish. Anna Katharine Green proves once again why she is considered one of the pioneers of detective fiction with this enthralling and suspenseful novel.
Book Description:
El caso Leavenworth propone un crimen de difícil resolución al que se enfrentarán el sagaz detective Ebenezer Gryce y el joven abogado Raymond: un asesinato en extrañas circunstancias que deja a dos jóvenes, sobrinas del acaudalado difunto, en manos de su abogado y de la voluntad policial de resolver el caso. Fue la primera obra publicada por la autora y sentó las bases de la novela de detectives. Autores de la talla de Agatha Christie o Arthur Conan Doyle reconocen haber encontrado en A.K. Green una fuente de inspiración.