By: Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837)
"Dubrovsky" by Alexander Pushkin is a gripping tale of betrayal, revenge, and redemption set amidst the Russian countryside. The story follows the young nobleman Dubrovsky as he seeks justice for the mistreatment of his family by a corrupt landowner. Pushkin's lyrical prose and vivid descriptions bring the characters and setting to life, making the reader feel as though they are on the journey with Dubrovsky. The themes of love, honor, and duty resonate throughout the novel, creating a timeless story that leaves a lasting impact on the reader. Overall, "Dubrovsky" is a classic work of Russian literature that is sure to captivate and entertain readers of all ages.Book Description: Классика русской литературы – роман Александра Сергеевича Пушкина о трагической любви между Владимиром Дубровским, лишенным наследства дворянином, ставшим разбойником, и дочерью обидчика его отца Кириллы Петровича Троекурова – Машей Троекуровой. (Резюме Ксении)
A classic of Russian literature, this novel by Alexander Pushkin tells of the tragic love between Vladimir Dubrovsky, a nobleman deprived of his inheritance who becomes an outlaw, and Masha Troekurov, daughter of Kirilla Troekurov, the man who wronged his farther.