By: Ernst Constantin (1832-1894)
This book is a charming and heartwarming tale set in a unique and unexpected setting - the warm polar land. The author's vivid descriptions bring this world to life, allowing readers to imagine the beauty and magic of this unusual place. The characters are well-developed and engaging, each with their own quirks and strengths that make them relatable and endearing. The plot moves at a steady pace, keeping readers engaged and curious about what will happen next. Overall, Das warme Polarland is a delightful read that will appeal to readers of all ages.Book Description:
Ähnlich Jules Verne in seinem Roman “Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde”, so führt uns auch Ernst Constantin (richtiger Name: Ernst Constantin Schumann) in die Urtümliche Welt der Dinosaurier zurück. Als Handlungsort hat Ernst Constantin die damals noch unerforschte Polarregion gewählt. Sicherlich mit ein Grund, warum der Roman heute in Vergessenheit geraten ist.