Cuando el dormido despierte... by H.G. Wells is a thought-provoking and engaging read that delves into themes of societal change, technology, and the nature of humanity. The story follows a man who falls into a deep sleep only to awaken centuries later in a world vastly different from the one he left behind.
Wells skillfully explores the consequences of technological advancement and the impact it has on society, raising important questions about progress and the potential dangers of unchecked scientific innovation. The protagonist's struggle to adapt to this new world, as well as his moral dilemmas and existential crisis, add depth and complexity to the narrative.
The writing is vivid and evocative, drawing readers into a future that is both fascinating and unsettling. Wells' imagination is on full display as he creates a world that is both familiar and alien, challenging readers to contemplate the implications of our current trajectory.
Overall, Cuando el dormido despierte... is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that will appeal to fans of science fiction and dystopian literature. Wells' exploration of timeless themes and his compelling storytelling make this a must-read for anyone interested in speculative fiction.
Book Description:
Novela de ciencia ficción distópica del escritor inglés H. G. Wells, sobre un hombre que duerme durante doscientos tres años, despertando en un Londres completamente transformado en el que se ha convertido en el hombre más rico del mundo. Se nos traslada al futuro para mostrarnos los detalles de una megalópolis futurista regida por el capitalismo y la tiranía despiadada. Fue la primera ficción política explícita escrita por el autor. - Introducción por Lombardi