"Alexander the Great" by Jean Racine is a gripping historical drama that delves into the life and conquests of one of history's most legendary figures. Racine's lyrical prose brings to life the larger-than-life character of Alexander, portraying him as a complex and conflicted individual driven by ambition and a desire for glory.
The characters in the play are vividly drawn, with Alexander himself standing out as a compelling protagonist. His relationships with his fellow generals, his mother, and his beloved Roxane are portrayed with depth and complexity, adding layers to his character and enriching the story.
Racine's writing is powerful and evocative, capturing the grandeur and drama of Alexander's epic journey across the ancient world. The themes of power, ambition, and the cost of greatness are explored in a thought-provoking manner, making this play not only entertaining but also intellectually stimulating.
Overall, "Alexander the Great" is a timeless classic that offers a fascinating glimpse into the life and times of one of history's greatest conquerors. Racine's masterful storytelling and rich character development make this play a must-read for anyone interested in historical drama or the life of Alexander the Great.
Book Description:
Racine caused furour in the French theater community with his second play, Alexander the Great, when "The sensitive poet seems to have been disgusted by the manner in which it was being acted; for, a fortnight after it had been put on the boards at the Palais Royal [by Moliere], Moliere's company learned with astonishment and indignation that it was being simultaneously performed at a rival theatre."
"The story of this drama is derived from Quintus Curtius, Plutarch, and Justin." Racine followed the rules of classical French dramatists: one main plot, action takes place in one day and at one location.
- Summary by Translator and ToddHW
Cast list:
Alexander: Ron Altman
Porus, Indian King: ToddHW
Taxiles, Indian King: Ethan Hurst
Axiana, Queen of another part of India: Matea Bracic
Cleophila, sister of Taxiles: Availle
Hephaestion: Chris Pyle
Stage Directions: Sonia
Editing: ToddHW