By: Havelock Ellis (1859-1939)
In "Study of British Genius," Havelock Ellis delves into the fascinating topic of genius and its relationship to various factors such as heredity, environment, and education. Ellis provides a comprehensive analysis of the lives and works of several notable British geniuses, offering valuable insights into the nature of creativity and intelligence.
One of the strengths of the book is Ellis's thorough research and compelling arguments, which are based on a wide range of sources and evidence. The author's writing style is clear and engaging, making it easy for readers to follow his train of thought and absorb the complex ideas presented in the book.
However, some readers may find the writing style to be overly academic and dense at times, which could make it challenging to fully grasp the concepts discussed in the book. Additionally, Ellis's focus on British geniuses may limit the book's appeal to readers who are interested in a more diverse and global perspective on the topic of genius.
Overall, "Study of British Genius" is a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of the factors that contribute to the development of genius in individuals. Despite its limitations, the book offers valuable insights into the complex nature of creativity and intelligence, making it a worthwhile read for anyone interested in exploring the mysteries of human genius. Book Description: The psychological and anthropological character of genius in the British Isles was investigated by Ellis. Citing and collating an extensive source of information from the Dictionary of National Biography, many pieces of informational are discussed, including the ancestral heritage, geographical distribution, professions, and health and morbidity of the most the most preeminent men and women of the time. This work also promotes his theory that large cities are not only counterproductive to the development of high achievers, but detrimental to national health.