"Merry Christmas: Two Early Birds" by Anonymous is a heartwarming story that captures the true spirit of the holiday season. The story follows two friends who are excited for Christmas and decide to celebrate the holiday together. As they prepare for the big day, they spread joy and kindness to those around them, reminding readers of the importance of giving and spreading love during this special time of year.
The characters are relatable and endearing, making it easy for readers to connect with their journey. The author's writing style is engaging and flows smoothly, keeping readers hooked from beginning to end. The illustrations throughout the book are beautifully done and enhance the overall reading experience.
Overall, "Merry Christmas: Two Early Birds" is a delightful read that will leave readers feeling warm and fuzzy inside. It serves as a reminder of the magic of Christmas and the joy that comes from spreading kindness to others. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a heartwarming holiday story that will brighten their spirits.
Book Description:
volunteers bring you 11 recordings of A Merry Christmas : two early birds by anonymous.
This was the Weekly Poetry project for December 11. 2018.
This Christmas pamphlet, dated 1890, from The Mail and Empire, a Toronto newspaper, solicits Christmas donations for the newspaper delivery boys. - Summary by David Lawrence