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Pathologie Verbale, ou Lésions de certains mots dans le cours de l'usage   By: (1801-1881)

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Pathologie Verbale, ou Lésions de certains mots dans le cours de l'usage by Emile Littré is a fascinating and insightful examination of the evolution of language and how words can change in meaning and usage over time. Littré delves into various examples of words that have undergone shifts in their connotations, shedding light on the fluidity and adaptability of language.

The author's thorough research and keen observations make for a thought-provoking read, as readers are encouraged to consider how language is shaped by societal influences and cultural trends. Littré's analysis is both enlightening and engaging, offering readers a new perspective on the power and complexity of language.

Overall, Pathologie Verbale is a compelling exploration of the dynamic nature of language and the ways in which words can shape our understanding of the world. It is a must-read for anyone interested in linguistics, communication, and the ways in which language evolves over time.

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This eBook was produced by Carlo Traverso, Robert Rowe, Charles Franks and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team.

Title: Pathologie Verbale, ou Lésions de certains mots dans le cours de l'usage

Remark: First published in "Études et Glanures, pour faire suite a l'Histoire de la langue française"

Language: French

Encoding: ISO 8859 1

We thank the Bibliotheque Nationale de France that has made available the image files at www://, authorizing the preparation of the etext through OCR.

Nous remercions la Bibliothèque Nationale de France qui a mis à disposition les images dans www://, et a donné l'autorisation de les utiliser pour préparer ce texte.

Notes: italics are represented by underscores.

translitteration: lpha, eta, amma, elta, psilon, eta, < e>ta,

eta, ota, appa, ambda, u, u, i, micron,

i, o, igma, au, psilon (psilon in diphthongs), i, i, i, < o>mega, ota subscript, <`><'><^> accents (after the letter), <:> diaeresis (between the vocals), <;> question mark. rough (before the letter except ), (smooth is unmarked)

Émile Littré

Pathologie Verbale ou Lésions de certains mots dans le cours de l'usage

Sous ce titre, je comprends les malformations (la cour au lieu de la court , épellation au lieu d' épelation ), les confusions ( éconduire et l'ancien verbe escondire ), les abrogations de signification, les pertes de rang (par exemple, quand un mot attaché aux usages nobles tombe aux usages vulgaires ou vils), enfin les mutations de signification... Continue reading book >>

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