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Den engelske Lods   By: (1808-1845)

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"Den engelske Lods" by Henrik Wergeland is a captivating historical novel that transports readers back to the early 19th century in Norway. The story follows the protagonist, a young sailor named Thomas, as he navigates the dangerous waters of the North Sea with the help of an English pilot.

Wergeland's vivid descriptions bring the maritime setting to life, making the reader feel as though they are right there on the ship alongside Thomas. The author's attention to detail and meticulous research shines through in the accuracy of the nautical terminology and customs of the time.

The characters in the novel are well-developed and relatable, each facing their own struggles and challenges. Thomas' journey is one of self-discovery and growth, as he learns to trust his instincts and rely on his own abilities to overcome obstacles.

Overall, "Den engelske Lods" is a beautifully written novel that combines adventure, romance, and history in a compelling and engaging way. Wergeland's prose is lyrical and poetic, drawing the reader in from the very first page and holding their attention until the satisfying conclusion. Fans of historical fiction and seafaring tales will surely enjoy this magnificent novel.

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Norges Nasjonallitteratur 3. opplag Utgitt første gang 1880 Her trykt som i originalutgavene

Den engelske Lods Utgitt første gang 1844



I Længsel efter Land

«O, Kaptain, hvorhen, hvorhen gaaer Seiladsen uden Ende? Nye Horizonter spænde sig omkring mig ud igjen. Briggen alt i rastløs Fart susende igjennemlænste Hundreder af samme Art, kun af Syner ombegrændste. Naar jeg tænkte Fjernet endelig beseiret, falske Lande ned sig sænkte eller tvinte hen iveiret ... Hundred Horizonter runde kom og svunde ... hundred Himles Cirkelbunde, for hvem Punktet, hvori mine trætte Øines Nervepar krydsende sig overskar, med en evig Helvedpine stedse samme Centrum var... Hundred Horizonter graae alt jeg saae, med en Grændse falsk som Bugten, angste Slange slaaer i Flugten, ...graae, ja til Fortvivlen eense, mens som Lupens grumme Stik krybende Insekt forfølger Zeniths blaa og hule Blik stirred paa vort Skib, den Prik, synlig knapt paa Havets Bølger.

O, Kaptain, nu har mod Vesten Farten alt saa længe staaet, til det synes mig jeg næsten er i Sind en Olding bleven, skjøndt mit Haar end ei er graat og min Kind ei rynkeskreven... Continue reading book >>

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