De Latino sine Flexione; Principio de Permanentia By: Giuseppe Peano (1858-1932) |
In this fascinating book, Giuseppe Peano explores the concept of Latino sine Flexione, a simplified form of Latin created by removing all inflections from words. Peano argues for the use of this simplified language as a universal means of communication, promoting a sense of unity and understanding among all people.
Through detailed explanations and examples, Peano illustrates the benefits of using Latino sine Flexione as a universal language, emphasizing its ease of learning and clarity of expression. He also delves into the concept of Permanentia, or the idea of creating a stable and permanent language that can withstand the test of time.
While some may find Peano's ideas radical or challenging, his arguments are thought-provoking and offer a fresh perspective on the potential of language to bridge cultural divides. Overall, De Latino sine Flexione; Principio de Permanentia is a compelling read that will inspire readers to consider the power and importance of language in shaping our world. Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible, including inconsistencies in spelling and hyphenation; changes (corrections of spelling and punctuation) made to the original text are listed at the end of this file. Italic text has been marked with underscores . Letter spaced text has been marked with ~tildes~. Greek letters theta and phi have been reproduced as [theta] and [phi]. ] DE LATINO SINE FLEXIONE LINGUA AUXILIARE INTERNATIONALE Lingua latina fuit internationalis in omni scientia, ab imperio Romano, usque ad finem saeculi XVIII. Hodie multi reputant illam nimis difficilem esse, iam in scientia, magis in commercio. Sed non tota lingua latina est necessaria; parva pars sufficit ad exprimendam quamlibet ideam. § 1. Casus. «Nominum casus semper eliminari possunt substitutis in eorum locum particulis quibusdam». LEIBNIZ. Ed. Couturat a. 1901, p. 67. Lingua latina exprimit nominum casus cum praepositionibus « de , ad , ab , ex , ...» et cum postpositionibus vel desinentiis. Prima methodus sufficit; ipsa sola invenitur in latino populare, a quo derivant linguae neolatinae, ut italica, franca, hispanica, etc. Sumimus nomen inflexibile sub forma simpliciore, quae est ablativus, vel nominativus, vel alia... Continue reading book >>
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