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星槎勝覽   By: (1388-1436?)

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"星槎勝覽" by Xin Fei is a beautifully written historical novel that transports the reader back to ancient China. The author's vivid descriptions of the setting and characters make it easy to envision the grandeur and intrigue of this time period.

The plot follows the journey of a young scholar who embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind a mysterious legend. As he delves deeper into the secrets of the past, he finds himself entangled in a web of deception and danger.

One of the standout features of this book is the attention to detail in the historical setting. The author's thorough research is evident in the accurate portrayal of customs, beliefs, and political intrigue of ancient China. This adds depth and authenticity to the story, making it a truly immersive reading experience.

Overall, "星槎勝覽" is a captivating novel that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and mystery. The combination of rich historical detail, engaging characters, and a suspenseful plot make it a compelling read from start to finish.

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○目錄   自永樂七年己丑,至宣德八年癸丑止,累從欽差正使太監鄭和等往西洋各 國開讀賞賜。凡在公餘之暇,採輯諸番風俗、人物、土產之異,集成事序,詠 其詩篇。   真臘國 東西竺 淡洋 龍牙門   龍牙善提 吉里地悶 彭坑 琉球國   三島國 麻逸國 假里馬丁國 重迦邏   淳泥國 蘇祿國 大㖵喃國 阿丹國   佐法兒國 竹步國 木骨都束國 溜洋國   卜剌哇國 天方國    ○真臘國   其國州南之門,為都會之所,有城周圍七十餘里,石河廣二十餘丈,殿宇 三十餘所。凡歲時一會,則列玉猿、孔雀、白象、犀牛於前,名曰百塔洲。次 桑香佛舍,飲饌必以金盤金碗盛食之。諺云:「富貴真臘也。」氣候常熱,田 禾豐足。煮海為鹽,風俗富饒。男女椎髻,穿短衫而圍稍布。法有劓、刺、配 ,犯盜則斷手足,番人殺唐人則償其命,唐人殺番人則罰其金,無金賣身贖罪 。地產黃臘、犀、象、孔雀、沉香、蘇木、大風子油、翠毛。貨用金銀、燒珠 、錦段、絲布之屬。  詩曰:真臘山岡遠,荒城傍海涯。獸禽多彩麗,人物 好奢華。列塔為奇異,羅盤逞禮儀。夷... Continue reading book >>

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