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孝經   By:

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孝經 is a classic text in Chinese culture that emphasizes the importance of filial piety and respect for one's parents. The text is filled with wise teachings and moral lessons that are still relevant in today's society.

The author unknown has created a timeless piece of literature that serves as a guide for living a virtuous life. The principles outlined in the book are simple yet powerful, urging readers to prioritize family bonds and honor their ancestors.

I appreciated the straightforward language and practical advice found in the text, making it easy to understand and apply to my own life. Reading this book has reminded me of the importance of showing gratitude and respect to my parents, and has inspired me to strive towards being a more filial and virtuous individual.

Overall, 孝經 is a valuable read for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of traditional Chinese values and morals. It serves as a reminder of the importance of family and the timeless wisdom that can be found in ancient texts.

First Page:

開宗明義章第一 仲尼居,曾子侍。子曰:“先王有至德要道,以順天下,民用和睦,上 下無 怨。汝知之乎?”曾子避席曰:“參不敏,何足以知之?”子曰: “夫孝,德之 本也,教之所由生也。復坐,吾語汝。身體發膚,受之 父母,不敢毀傷,孝之始 也。立身行道,揚名于後世,以顯父母,孝 之終也。夫孝,始于事親,中于事君, 終于立身。《大雅》雲:‘無 念爾祖,聿修厥德。’” 天子章第二 子曰:“愛親者,不敢惡于人﹔敬親者,不敢慢于人。愛敬盡于事親, 而德 教加于百姓,刑于四海。蓋天子之孝也。《甫刑》雲:‘一人有 慶,兆民賴之。’” 諸侯章第三 ... Continue reading book >>

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