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二刻拍案驚奇   By: (1580-1644)

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二刻拍案驚奇 by Mengchu Ling is a collection of classic Chinese mystery stories that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The book is filled with clever plot twists, intricate puzzles, and fascinating characters that will capture the imagination of any reader.

Each story is expertly crafted and will leave readers guessing until the very end. The author's attention to detail and masterful storytelling make this book a true masterpiece of the mystery genre.

What sets this book apart from other mystery novels is its unique setting in ancient China. The stories are not only entertaining but also provide readers with a fascinating glimpse into Chinese culture and history.

Overall, 二刻拍案驚奇 is a must-read for anyone who loves mystery novels. Mengchu Ling's writing is engaging, suspenseful, and full of surprises. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a thrilling and captivating read.

First Page:

  嘗記博物志云:「漢劉褒畫雲漢圖,見者覺熱,又畫北風圖,見 者覺寒。」竊疑畫本非真,何緣至是?然猶曰:「人之見,為之也。 」甚而僧繇點睛,雷電破壁;吳道玄畫殿內五龍,大雨輒生煙霧,是 將執畫為真則既不可,若云贗也,不已勝於真者乎?然則操之家,亦 若是焉則已矣。   今小說之行世者無慮百種,然而失真之病起於好奇,知奇之為奇 ,而不知無奇之所以為奇。舍目前可紀之事,而馳騖於不論不議之鄉 ,如畫家之不圖犬馬而圖鬼魅者,曰:「吾以駭聽而止耳。」夫劉越 石清嘯吹笳,尚能使群胡流涕解圍而去。今舉物態人情,恣其點染, 而不能使人欲歌欲泣於其間,此其奇與非奇,固不待智者而後知之也 。則為之解曰:「文自《南華》、《沖虛》,已多寓言,下至非有先 生、馮虛公子,安所得其真者而尋之?不知此以文勝,非以事勝也。 至演義一家,幻易而真難,固不可相衡而論矣。有如《西遊》一記怪 誕不經,讀者皆知其謬。然據其所載,師弟四人各一性情、各一動止 。試摘取其一言一事,遂使暗中摹索,亦知其出自何人。則正以幻中 有真,乃為... Continue reading book >>

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