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By: Agnes C. Laut (1871-1936)

Book cover The Freebooters of the Wilderness

By: Percy James Brebner (1864-1922)

Book cover The Master Detective Being Some Further Investigations of Christopher Quarles
Book cover The Brown Mask
Book cover Christopher Quarles College Professor and Master Detective

Christopher Quarles is a professor of philosophy and a private consulting detective. Quarles, along with his granddaughter Zena, assists Police Detective Murray Wigan in solving various crimes and mysteries in Victorian England. Whereas the police look for facts and then form a theory of a case, Quarles first forms a theory, often seemingly absurd and based on little more than intuition, then seeks facts in support of it. Of course, to the astonishment of all concerned, Quarles' theories usually...

Book cover The Light That Lures
Book cover Princess Maritza

By: Allen L. Churchill and Francis J. Reynolds (1867-1937)

Book cover World's War Events, Vol. I

By: Francis J. Reynolds (1867-1937)

Book cover Master Tales of Mystery, Volume 3

By: J Hudson Taylor (1832-1905)

Book cover Union and Communion - or Thoughts on the Song of Solomon

This little book, whose design is to lead the devout Bible student into the Green Pastures of the Good Shepherd, thence to the Banqueting House of the King, and thence to the service of the Vineyard, is one of the abiding legacies of Mr. Hudson Taylor to the Church. In the power of an evident unction from the Holy One, he has been enabled herein to unfold in simplest language the deep truth of the believer's personal union with the Lord, which under symbol and imagery is the subject of The Song of Songs. (From the Foreword by J Stuart Holden).

By: L. Adams Beck (1862-1931)

The ninth vibration and other stories by L. Adams Beck The ninth vibration and other stories

This is a collection of the following short stories: The Ninth Vibration -- The Interpreter : A Romance of the East -- The Incomparable Lady : A Story of China with a Moral -- The Hatred of the Queen : A Story of Burma -- Fire of Beauty -- The Building of the Taj Majal -- How Great is the Glory of Kwannon! -- The Round-Faced Beauty. Many of them are romantic, some of them are fantasy and others are occult fiction.(Introduction by Linda Andrus)

By: of Samosata Lucian (120-180)

Book cover Works of Lucian of Samosata — Volume 01

By: John Charles Van Dyke

A Text-Book of the History of Painting by John Charles Van Dyke A Text-Book of the History of Painting

A TEXT-BOOK OF THE HISTORY OF PAINTINGBY JOHN C. VAN DYKE, L.H.D.PREFACE.The object of this series of text-books is to provide concise teachable histories of art for class-room use in schools and colleges. The limited time given to the study of art in the average educational institution has not only dictated the condensed style of the volumes, but has limited their scope of matter to the general features of art history. Archaeological discussions on special subjects and aesthetic theories have been avoided...

By: William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891)

Book cover Sherman’s Recollections of California, 1846-1848, 1855-1857, from his Memoirs

This librivox recording comprises three chapters from American Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman’s Memoirs. The chapters deal with a posting to California in his pre-Civil War military career in the years 1846-1848. While many of his colleagues saw action in the Mexican-American War, Sherman performed administrative duties in the captured territory of California. Along with fellow Lieutenants Henry Halleck and Edward Ord, Sherman embarked from New York on the 198-day journey around Cape Horn aboard the converted sloop USS Lexington...

By: William T. Sherman (1820-1891)

Book cover The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1

By: John Trusler (1735-1820)

Book cover The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings With Descriptions, and a Comment on Their Moral Tendency

By: Osborn H. Oldroyd (1842-1930)

Book cover The Good Old Songs We Used to Sing, '61 to '65
Book cover The Poets' Lincoln Tributes in Verse to the Martyred President

By: Northern Nut Growers Association [Editor]

Book cover Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the sixth annual meeting Rochester, New York, September 1 and 2, 1915

By: Grace Rogers Cooper

The Invention of the Sewing Machine by Grace Rogers Cooper The Invention of the Sewing Machine
Book cover The Scholfield Wool-Carding Machines

By: Gabriele D'Annunzio (1863-1938)

Book cover The Child of Pleasure

By: Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)

Book cover Public Opinion

Public Opinion (1922), by Walter Lippman, is a critical assessment of functional democratic government, especially the irrational, and often self-serving, social perceptions that influence individual behavior, and prevent optimal societal cohesion. (Introduction by author)

Book cover Preface to Politics

This is the first book in the bibliography of Walter Lippmann, written three years after emerging from Harvard where he studied under the pragmatists Santayana and James. Although the work is a century old, the reader of today may still find in it, with its focus on practical human needs, a refreshing view towards the fundamental purpose (and persistent flaws) of politics, and indeed government itself, just as relevant and meaningful today as when it was written.

By: William Congreve (1670 -1729)

The Way of the World by William Congreve The Way of the World

The Way of the World is a play written by British playwright William Congreve. It premiered in 1700 in the theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields in London. It is widely regarded as being one of the best Restoration comedies written and is still performed sporadically to this day.The play is based around the two lovers Mirabell and Millamant (originally famously played by John Verbruggen and Anne Bracegirdle). In order for the two to get married and receive Millamant's full dowry, Mirabell must receive the blessing of Millamant's aunt, Lady Wishfort...

Book cover The Library of William Congreve
Book cover Incognita; or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd
Book cover The Comedies of William Congreve Volume 1 [of 2]

By: Apicius

Book cover Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome

By: Rex Ellingwood Beach (1877-1949)

Book cover Heart of the Sunset
Book cover The Barrier
Book cover Pardners
Book cover Going Some
Book cover Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories
Book cover The Ne'er-Do-Well
Book cover The Net
Book cover The Auction Block
Book cover The Winds of Chance

By: Rex Beach (1877-1949)

Book cover Silver Horde

The Silver Horde , is set in Kalvik, a fictionalized community in Bristol Bay, Alaska, and tells the story of a down on his luck gold miner who discovers a greater wealth in Alaska's run of salmon (silver horde) and decides to open a cannery. To accomplish this he must overcome the relentless opposition of the "salmon trust," a fictionalized Alaska Packers' Association, which undercuts his financing, sabotages his equipment, incites a longshoremen's riot and bribes his fishermen to quit. The story line includes a love interest as the protagonist is forced to choose between his fiance, a spoiled banker's daughter, and an earnest roadhouse operator, a woman of "questionable virtue."

Book cover Flowing Gold

Unfairly given a dishonorable discharge from the army, Calvin Gray goes to Dallas, where he manages to win the trust of a jeweler and is able to sell a number of diamonds to the newly oil rich Briskows. He makes friends with the family and helps them adjust to their newly found riches. The Briskows, in turn, help him prove false the charges that caused his dismissal from the army.

By: Rex Ellingwood Beach (1877-1949)

Book cover Rainbow's End
Book cover The Iron Trail

By: Samuel D. Gordon (1859-1936)

Book cover Quiet Talks on Prayer

An open life, an open hand, open upward, is the pipe line of communication between the heart of God and this poor befooled old world. Our prayer is God’s opportunity to get into the world that would shut Him out. (From the first chapter)

By: Rossiter Johnson (1840-1931)

Book cover Stories of Mystery Little Classics, Volume 8 (of 18)

MANUAL OF SURGERY, OXFORD MEDICAL PUBLICATIONSBY ALEXIS THOMSON, F.R.C.S.Ed.PREFACE TO SIXTH EDITION Much has happened since this Manual was last revised, and many surgical lessons have been learned in the hard school of war. Some may yet have to be unlearned, and others have but little bearing on the problems presented to the civilian surgeon. Save in its broadest principles, the surgery of warfare is a thing apart from the general surgery of civil life, and the exhaustive literature now available on every aspect of it makes it unnecessary that it should receive detailed consideration in a manual for students...

Book cover Stories of Comedy
Minor Poems Little Classics, Vol. 15 by Rossiter Johnson Minor Poems Little Classics, Vol. 15

By: Douglas Houghton Campbell (1859-1953)

Book cover Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses

By: Garrett Putman Serviss (1851-1929)

Book cover Other Worlds Their Nature, Possibilities and Habitability in the Light of the Latest Discoveries
Book cover Pleasures of the telescope An Illustrated Guide for Amateur Astronomers and a Popular Description of the Chief Wonders of the Heavens for General Readers
Book cover Edison's Conquest of Mars
Book cover Astronomy with an Opera-glass A Popular Introduction to the Study of the Starry Heavens with the Simplest of Optical Instruments

By: Garrett P. Serviss (1851-1929)

Book cover Columbus of Space

A classic science fiction adventure in the style of and dedicated to the readers of Jules Verne. An independent scientist discovers the secret of “inter-atomic energy”, and with it builds a craft which carries himself and three friends to Venus, where they discover the dwellers of the dark side, incredible floating cities, and peril at every turn.

By: Garrett Putman Serviss (1851-1929)

Book cover The Second Deluge

By: Kate Douglas Wiggins (1856-1923)

Mother Carey’s Chickens by Kate Douglas Wiggins Mother Carey’s Chickens

“When Captain Carey went on his long journey into the unknown and uncharted land, the rest of the Careys tried in vain for a few months to be still a family, and did not succeed at all. They clung as closely to one another as ever they could, but there was always a gap in the circle where father had been….. The only thing to do was to remember father's pride and justify it, to recall his care for mother and take his place so far as might be; the only thing for all, as the months went on, was to be what mother called the three Bs -- brave, bright, and busy...

By: Sidney Lee (1859-1926)

Book cover A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles
Book cover Shakespeare and the Modern Stage with Other Essays

By: Robert M. Vogel

Elevator Systems of the Eiffel Tower, 1889 by Robert M. Vogel Elevator Systems of the Eiffel Tower, 1889

By: Leonard W. King (1869-1919)

Book cover History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria in the Light of Recent Discovery
Book cover Legends of Babylon and Egypt in relation to Hebrew tradition

By: Robert M. Vogel

The Engineering Contributions of Wendel Bollman by Robert M. Vogel The Engineering Contributions of Wendel Bollman

By: Sarah Knowles Bolton

Lives of Girls Who Became Famous by Sarah Knowles Bolton Lives of Girls Who Became Famous

This book is a collection of short biographies of notable women, including Harriet Beecher Stowe, Louisa May Alcott, Florence Nightingale, and many others.

By: Charles W. Leadbeater (1854-1934)

Book cover Thought-Forms
Book cover The Astral Plane Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena

By: Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin (1842-1921)

Book cover The Place of Anarchism in Socialistic Evolution An Address Delivered in Paris

By: Charles W. Leadbeater (1854-1934)

Book cover Clairvoyance
Book cover A Textbook of Theosophy

By: Edward V. Lucas (1868-1938)

Book cover A Wanderer in Venice
Book cover A Wanderer in Holland
Book cover Forgotten Tales of Long Ago
Book cover Adventures and Enthusiasms
Book cover The War of the Wenuses
Book cover A Boswell of Baghdad With Diversions
Book cover A Wanderer in Florence
Book cover Roving East and Roving West
Book cover The Slowcoach
The Flamp, The Ameliorator, and The Schoolboy's Apprentice by Edward V. Lucas The Flamp, The Ameliorator, and The Schoolboy's Apprentice

By: Hamlin Garland (1860-1940)

Book cover The Eagle's Heart
Book cover Money Magic A Novel
Book cover Son of the Middle Border

In all the region of autobiography, so far as I know it, I do not know quite the like of Mr. Garland's story of his life, and I should rank it with the very greatest of that kind in literature. . . . It is the poet who sees the vast scale of human struggle with nature or the things she will withhold unless they are forced from her by man's tireless toil and mighty mechanism, and in the vision he knows a battle-joy as distinctive of this Son of the Middle Border as his fidelity to the sordid and squalid details of the campaign, or his exultation of the beauty of the West which he has so passionately hated and finally so passionately loves...

Book cover The Forester's Daughter A Romance of the Bear-Tooth Range
Book cover Main-Travelled Roads
Book cover The Tyranny of the Dark
Book cover Wayside Courtships
Book cover The Shadow World
Book cover They of the High Trails
Book cover A Daughter of the Middle Border
Book cover A Little Norsk; Or, Ol' Pap's Flaxen
Book cover The Trail of the Goldseekers A Record of Travel in Prose and Verse
Book cover Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger A Romance of the Mountain West
Book cover The Moccasin Ranch A Story of Dakota
Book cover Prairie Folks
Book cover The Captain of the Gray-Horse Troop
Book cover Rose of Dutcher's Coolly
Book cover The Spirit of Sweetwater
Book cover Other Main-Travelled Roads
Book cover A Spoil of Office A Story of the Modern West
Book cover The Light of the Star A Novel
Book cover Victor Ollnee's Discipline

By: Carolyn Steward Taylor

Book cover Werewolf -- Five Pieces

Five stories and essays about werewolves.

By: Elliott O'Donnell (1872-1965)

Book cover Byways of Ghost-Land
Book cover The Banshee

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