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By: Harold Bindloss (1866-1945)

Book cover The Girl from Keller's
For the Allinson Honor by Harold Bindloss For the Allinson Honor
The League of the Leopard by Harold Bindloss The League of the Leopard
Book cover The Greater Power
Book cover Prescott of Saskatchewan
Book cover The Buccaneer Farmer Published in England under the Title "Askew's Victory"
Book cover The Dust of Conflict
Book cover The Cattle-Baron's Daughter
Book cover Brandon of the Engineers
Book cover Hawtrey's Deputy
Book cover Thurston of Orchard Valley
Book cover Alton of Somasco
Book cover Winston of the Prairie
Book cover Blake's Burden
Book cover Lister's Great Adventure
Book cover Masters of the Wheat-Lands
Book cover The Long Portage
Book cover Ranching for Sylvia
Book cover The Intriguers
Book cover The Lure of the North
Book cover Carmen's Messenger

By: William Cobbett (1763-1835)

Book cover Cottage Economy

How can you tell when your pig is fat enough? Why should you never buy mustard? What's wrong with eating potatoes? Which is better, beer or tea? And what type of straw makes the best bonnets? William Cobbett is the man to ask. Here is his book of practical advice to the rural labouring 'cottager' (first published as a part-work in 1821-22), the precursor in many ways to the handbooks on self-sufficiency that today entice so many city-dwellers. A champion of the rural working class at a time of huge...

By: Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844)

Book cover Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible, used by Latter Day Saints. It is a record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas.The book was written by ancient prophets through the spirit of prophecy and revelation. It gives an account of two great civilizations. One came from Jerusalem in 600 B.C., and afterward separated into two nations, known as the Nephites and the Lamanites. The other came much earlier when the Lord confounded the tongues at the Tower of Babel...

By: William Cobbett (1763-1835)

Book cover Advice to Young Men And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life
Book cover Rural Rides

William Cobbett: 1763-1835 English farmer, journalist and politician. His book Rural Rides collects together the articles published in his Political Register between 1822 and 1826, reflecting conditions of farmers and labourers in the English countryside, together with his views on the necessary actions for remedy and the shortcomings of government in this regard. Although this sounds amazingly dry, his forthright personality, original views and conversational tone, as well as the startling relevance of many of his topics to current political and social issues, give Rural Rides the immediacy and liveliness of a 19th century blog.

By: William Wetmore Story (1819-1895)

Book cover A Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem : First Century

By: Miriam Michelson (1870-1942)

Book cover In the Bishop's Carriage

Nancy 'Nance' Olden, a young and very pretty woman, is an accomplished liar and thief. Raised in a horrific orphanage, called the Cruelty by its occupants, Nance and her criminal boyfriend, Tom Dorgan, are pulling a con when the book begins. The results of their act propel Nance into a series of events that she could never have imagined. This was Miriam Michelson's first novel and it was considered a 'blockbuster' in its day. Ranked fourth on the list of bestsellers of 1904 by "Publishers Weekly," Michelson's book was a source of controversy due to the dubious ethics and morals of its heroine.

Book cover The Madigans

By: Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne (1769-1834)

Book cover Memoirs of Napoleon

By: Byron A. Dunn (1842-1926)

Book cover Raiding with Morgan

It is a fictional tale of cavalry actions during the U.S. Civil War, under General John Morgan.

By: Richard Henry Savage (1846-1903)

The Midnight Passenger by Richard Henry Savage The Midnight Passenger

Randall Clayton was surrounded by enemies. His father’s business partner had looked after him in the years since his father’s death. But Hugh Worthington’s motives were not altruistic – he had a secret to hide and a scheme to bring to fruition that would make him millions at Clayton’s expense. Clayton’s roommate, Arthur Ferris, had his own schemes, including stealing the affections of Worthington’s daughter away from Clayton. Clayton worked for a pittance in New York, where he was watched day and night by Worthington’s spies, and by the ruthless Fritz Braun, who plotted to rob Clayton of the large deposit that he daily carried for his employer...

By: Lewis Wallace (1827-1905)

Book cover The Prince of India — Volume 01

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