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By: Rick Raphael (1919-1994)

Book cover The Thirst Quenchers
Book cover Sonny

By: D. H. (David Henry) Montgomery (1837-1928)

Book cover The Leading Facts of English History

By: Langdon Mitchell (1862-1935)

The New York Idea by Langdon Mitchell The New York Idea

I find it very hard to classify "The New York Idea" under any of the established rubrics. It is rather too extravagant to rank as a comedy; it is much too serious in its purport, too searching in its character-delineation and too thoughtful in its wit, to be treated as a mere farce. Its title—not, perhaps, a very happy one—is explained in this saying of one of the characters: "Marry for whim and leave the rest to the divorce court—that's the New York idea of marriage." Like all the plays,...

By: editor: Frank Munsey

Book cover The Scrap Book Sampler

18 works -- two non-fic articles & one short fiction or poetry each -- from issues March, April, May, June, July, & August 1906 of The Scrap Book, Volume 1, edited by Frank Munsey. As he states in the editorial of the April 1906 issue (Vol 1, Iss 2) this was a sort of supplement to the editor's popular monthly, Munsey's Magazine. The Scrap Book is very like an American version of Punch with many short, often humorous articles interspersed with at least one short story, some poetry, and several longer non-fic pieces. The Scrap Book ran up to 1922.

By: Charles E. (Charles Edwin) Bennett (1858-1921)

Book cover New Latin Grammar

By: Thomas Dowler Murphy (1866-1928)

British Highways And Byways From A Motor Car by Thomas Dowler Murphy British Highways And Byways From A Motor Car

In this chronicle of a summer's motoring in Britain I have not attempted a guide-book in any sense, yet the maps, together with the comments on highways, towns, and country, should be of some value even in that capacity. I hope, however, that the book, with its many illustrations and its record of visits to out-of-the way places, may be acceptable to those who may desire to tour Britain by rail or cycle as well as by motor car. Nor may it be entirely uninteresting to those who may not expect to visit the country in person but desire to learn more of it and its people. (Introduction by Thomas Dowler Murphy)

By: Pictorial Photographers of America

Book cover Pictorial Photography in America 1920
Book cover Pictorial Photography in America 1922
Book cover Pictorial Photography in America 1921

By: Edward S. Ellis (1840-1916)

The Life of Kit Carson by Edward S. Ellis The Life of Kit Carson

Christopher Carson, or as he was familiarly called, Kit Carson, was a man whose real worth was understood only by those with whom he was associated or who closely studied his character. He was more than hunter, trapper, guide, Indian agent and Colonel in the United States Army....His lot was cast on the extreme western frontier, where, when but a youth, he earned the respect of the tough and frequently lawless men with whom he came in contact. Integrity, bravery, loyalty to friends, marvelous quickness...

By: Edward Sylvester Ellis (1840-1916)

Book cover Dewey and Other Naval Commanders

By: Edward S. Ellis (1840-1916)

Book cover Steam Man of the Prairies

Ethan Hopkins and Mickey McSquizzle-a "Yankee" and an "Irishman"-encounter a colossal, steam-powered man in the American prairies. This steam-man was constructed by Johnny Brainerd, a teenaged boy, who uses the steam-man to carry him in a carriage on various adventures.

By: Edward Sylvester Ellis (1840-1916)

Book cover Thomas Jefferson, a Character Sketch
Book cover Two Boys in Wyoming A Tale of Adventure (Northwest Series, No. 3)
Book cover Adrift in the Wilds or, The Adventures of Two Shipwrecked Boys
Book cover The Daughter of the Chieftain : the Story of an Indian Girl
Book cover The Riflemen of the Miami
Book cover Klondike Nuggets and How Two Boys Secured Them
Book cover The Hunters of the Ozark
Book cover Deerfoot in The Mountains
Book cover The Land of Mystery
Book cover Adrift on the Pacific A Boys [sic] Story of the Sea and its Perils
Book cover The Phantom of the River
Book cover The Wilderness Fugitives
Book cover Cowmen and Rustlers A Story of the Wyoming Cattle Ranges
Through Apache Lands by Edward Sylvester Ellis Through Apache Lands
Book cover The Lost Trail
Book cover Footprints in the Forest
Book cover The Young Ranchers or, Fighting the Sioux
The Great Cattle Trail by Edward Sylvester Ellis The Great Cattle Trail
Book cover The Jungle Fugitives A Tale of Life and Adventure in India Including also Many Stories of American Adventure, Enterprise and Daring

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