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By: Hamilton Wright Mabie (1846-1916)

Book cover Heroes Every Child Should Know

The endeavour has been made in this volume to bring together the heroic men of different races, periods and types; and in the selection of material the most attractive, intelligent and authoritative literature has been drawn upon. In cases in which the material selected belongs distinctively to the best literature, no changes have been made, although narratives have been abbreviated; in cases in which the material has a historical rather than a distinctively literary quality, the text has been treated for "substance of doctrine," and omissions have been freely made, and connecting words, phrases and even sentences have been introduced to give the narrative clear connection and completeness...

Book cover Books and Culture
Book cover Essays on Work and Culture

The author investigates the world of work against a backdrop of culture. Each of the 25 essays focuses on one aspect of the topic. For example, the first essay, "Tool or Man?" looks at two views of man. One is that of strength as the provider of security. The other is that of aesthete, as an enthusiast of the arts or academics or religion. In our culture, provider of security is the winner every time. Man as a source of multiple talents cannot be allowed. As the author frames the argument, "Specialisation has been carried so far that it has become an organised tyranny...

Book cover Under the Trees and Elsewhere

By: Lucy Fitch Perkins

The Belgian Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins The Belgian Twins

This story is based upon the experiences of two Belgian refugees in World War I. When their parents are marched of by Germans, Jan and Marie are left alone. Now they, along with their dog, have to find their parents!

The Dutch Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins The Dutch Twins

The Dutch Twins are Kit and Kat, 5 years old and not yet big enough to be called by their real names, Christopher and Katrina. They live in a typical Dutch household, around the turn of the last century. The book follows their day-to-day adventures and accidental mishaps. The book is the first of a series of stories about twins in different countries, meant to give children an idea of life and customs in various parts of the world.

Book cover The Irish Twins
Book cover The Puritan Twins
Book cover The Eskimo Twins
Book cover The Japanese Twins
Book cover The Spartan Twins
Book cover The Cave Twins
Book cover The Italian Twins
Book cover The Mexican Twins
Book cover The French Twins
Book cover The Swiss Twins

By: Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)

Book cover Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844

This is Engels' first book (since considered a classic account of England's working class in the industrial age), which argues that workers paid a heavy price for the industrial revolution that swept the country. Engels wrote the piece while staying in Manchester from 1842 to 1844, based on th bohis observations and several contemporary reports conducted over the period.

Book cover The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
Book cover Feuerbach: The roots of the socialist philosophy
Book cover Landmarks of Scientific Socialism "Anti-Duehring"

By: Joseph Addison (1672-1719)

Book cover The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
Book cover Essays and Tales

By: Isaac Asimov (1920-1992)

Book cover Youth

By: David Eugene Smith (1860-1944)

Book cover The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
Book cover History of Modern Mathematics Mathematical Monographs No. 1

By: Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923)

Penelope's English Experiences by Kate Douglas Wiggin Penelope's English Experiences

Penelope's English Experiences is a fictional travelogue, which documents the experiences of three American ladies on a visit to England. Included are scenes in London and the village of Belvern, containing fanciful sketches of a West-end ball, portraits of domestic originals, etc., characterized by humorous trifling and droll exaggeration of English traits. By the author Mother Carey's Chickens, A Cathedral Courtship, etc.

A Cathedral Courtship by Kate Douglas Wiggin A Cathedral Courtship

A romantic comedy. A pretty young American girl tours English Cathedrals, with her very blue-blooded Aunt. Then boy meets girl. Boy chases girl. Boy loses girl. Boy finds girl. Finally, girl catches boy with the help of a mad bull.

By: Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin (1856-1923)

Book cover The Birds' Christmas Carol
Book cover The Girl and the Kingdom Learning to Teach
Book cover Ladies-In-Waiting

By: Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923)

Book cover Rose O' The River

Rose Wiley is a pretty country girl. She's engaged to Stephen Waterman, a country boy. She is quite content, until Claude Merril, a man from Boston, tells her that her love is ruining Stephen's life. A cute coming-of-age novel.

By: Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin (1856-1923)

Book cover Penelope's Irish Experiences

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