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Luttrell Of Arran Charles James Lever

The Adventures of Fleetfoot and Her Fawns Allen Chaffee

Charles Lever, His Life in His Letters, Vol. II Edmund Downey

Little Miss Peggy Only a Nursery Story Mrs. Molesworth

Poppy The Story of a South African Girl Cynthia Stockley

Great Lent: A School of Repentance Its Meaning for Orthodox Christians Alexander Schmemann

A Day with Robert Schumann May Clarissa Gillington Byron

A Claim on Klondyke A Romance of the Arctic El Dorado Edward Roper

The Cup of Trembling and Other Stories Mary Hallock Foote

Getting at the Inner Man/Fifty Years on the Lecture Platform Russell H. Conwell

The City of Numbered Days Francis Lynde

Tripping with the Tucker Twins Nell Speed

Leighton A. Lys Baldry

A Proposal Under Difficulties A Farce John Kendrick Bangs

Why I am in favor of socialism Various

The Discards Lucullus Virgil McWhorter

The Clan Fraser in Canada Souvenir of the First Annual Gathering Alexander Fraser

The Triumph of Music And Other Lyrics Madison Julius Cawein

Fast Nine or, A Challenge from Fairfield Alan Douglas

Hope Mills or, Between Friend and Sweetheart Amanda Minnie Douglas

A Manifest Destiny Julia Magruder

The Campaign of the Jungle or, Under Lawton through Luzon Edward Stratemeyer

Journal of Impressions in Belgium May Sinclair

The House from Nowhere Arthur G. Stangland

An Empty Bottle Mari Wolf

Lord Stranleigh Abroad Robert Barr

Hoiman and the Solar Circuit Gordon Dewey

Two Wyoming Girls and Their Homestead Claim A Story for Girls Carrie L. Marshall

The Telenizer Don Thompson

The Moralist Jack Taylor

More Mittens with The Doll's Wedding and Other Stories Being the third book of the series Aunt Fanny

Within Prison Walls being a narrative during a week of voluntary confinement in the state prison at Auburn, New York Thomas Mott Osborne

Her Royal Highness Woman Max O'Rell

A Man in the Open Roger Pocock

A Flight in Spring In the car Lucania from New York to the Pacific coast and back, during April and May, 1898 J. Harris (John Harris) Knowles

The Camp Fire Girls Across the Seas Margaret Vandercook

Old Friends Are the Best Jack Sharkey

A Sister's Love A Novel W. Heimburg

Lefty Locke Pitcher-Manager Burt L. Standish

Defending the Island A story of Bar Harbor in 1758 James Otis

Intra Muros Rebecca Ruter Springer

Irish History and the Irish Question Goldwin Smith

Spotted Deer Elmer Russell Gregor

The Martins Of Cro' Martin Charles James Lever

Joyous Story of Toto Laura E. Richards

Through Mountains and Canyons - The Canadian Rockies William McFarlane Notman

Settling Day Nat Gould

My Little Boy Carl Ewald

Gwen Wynn Mayne Reid

The Outdoor Chums on a Houseboat Quincy Allen

Loveliness A Story Elizabeth Stuart Phelps

Prairie Smoke, A Collection of Lore of the Prairies Melvin Randolph Gilmore

At Boarding School with the Tucker Twins Nell Speed

Literary Byways William Andrews

Cities of the Dawn J. Ewing Ritchie

Little Erik of Sweden Madeline Brandeis

Op de Levensreis Various

Voetbal-Sport: over haar voor- en nadeelen, eenige harer strijdvragen en haar rationeele beoefening Jac. Samson

John Whopper The Newsboy Thomas M. (Thomas March) Clark

The Thirteen Little Black Pigs and Other Stories Mrs. Molesworth

The Wishing Moon Louise Elizabeth Dutton

The Homicidal Diary Earl Peirce

The Ultroom Error Gerald Allan Sohl

Life of Wagner Biographies of Musicians Louis Nohl

The Return of the Prodigal May Sinclair

The Sloths of Kruvny Vern Fearing

The Reluctant Weapon Howard L. Myers

A Historic Sketch Lest We Forget Company E 26th Ohio Infantry Walden Kelly

The Hand Gerald Allan Sohl

Chain of Command Stephen Arr

Guy in the Jungle A Boy's Adventure in the Wilds of Africa William Murray Graydon

Maid Sally Harriet A. Cheever

Oogie Finds Love Berkeley Livingston

A Man of the World Annie Payson Call

The Model of a Judge William Douglas Morrison

Deepfreeze Robert Donald Locke

The Newsboy Partners Or Who Was Dick Box? Frank V. Webster

Dorothy's Tour Evelyn Raymond

The Old Martians Roger Phillips Graham

The Ordeal of Colonel Johns George H. Smith

The Trap Betsy Curtis

Tillie Roger Phillips Graham

The Laird o' Coul's Ghost Anonymous

In the Cards Alan Cogan

Death Makes A Mistake P.F. Costello

The Alternative: A Separate Nationality, or The Africanization of the South William Henry Holcombe

A Star for a Night A Story of Stage Life Elsie Janis

Friend Mac Donald Max O'Rell

Love Works Wonders A Novel Charlotte M. Brame

Comrades Elizabeth Stuart Phelps

Materialized Apparitions If Not Beings from Another Life, What Are They Edward Augustus Brackett

The Frontier Angel A Romance of Kentucky Rangers' Life Edward Sylvester Ellis

A Child of the Sea; and Life Among the Mormons Elizabeth Whitney Williams

The Ranch Girls in Europe Margaret Vandercook

Sarah's First Start in Life. Adelaide M. G. Campbell

The Plowshare and the Sword A Tale of Old Quebec John Trevena

The Torn Bible Or Hubert's Best Friend Alice Somerton

Who? Elizabeth Kent

Ethel Morton at Sweetbriar Lodge Mabell S. C. Smith

The Storm Centre Mary Noailles Murfree