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Ivanhoe (4/4) Le retour du croisé Walter Scott

The Little Girl Who Was Taught by Experience Anonymous

The World and Its People: Book VII Views in Africa Anna B. Badlam

Stevenson Memorial Cook Book Various

History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, Volume I John William Draper

Delco Manuals: Radio Model 633, Delcotron Generator Delco Radio Owner's Manual Model 633, Delcotron Generator Installation Delco-Remy

Marley's Chain Alan Edward Nourse

The Cathedrals of Southern France Milburg F. Mansfield

Mr. Punch at the Play Humours of Music and the Drama Various

The Lost Heir George Alfred Henty

The Adventures of a Widow A Novel Edgar Fawcett

The Works of Honoré de Balzac About Catherine de' Medici, Seraphita and Other Stories Honoré de Balzac

Les Précurseurs Romain Rolland

Human Error Raymond F. Jones

The Unlearned Raymond F. Jones

When the Mountain Shook Robert Abernathy

Life on the Stage Clara Morris

Chattanooga or Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge from Moccasin Point Bradford Ripley Wood

Camping at Cherry Pond Henry Abbott

Fish Stories Henry Abbott

Handel : The Story of a Little Boy who Practiced in an Attic Thomas Tapper

Peculiarities of American Cities Willard W. Glazier

Story of My Life, volumes 1-3 Augustus J. C. Hare

The American Occupation of the Philippines 1898-1912 James H. Blount

Lady Clare Alfred Tennyson Tennyson

Macbeth (Suomi) William Shakespeare

Ciarle e macchiette Luigi Arnaldo Vassallo

The Head Girl at the Gables Angela Brazil

Oahu Traveler's guide Bill Gleasner

The Slizzers Jerome Bixby

Petticoat Rule Emmuska Orczy Orczy

The Chief Engineer Henry Abbott

Verdi : The Story of the Little Boy who Loved the Hand Organ Thomas Tapper

The Strange Story of Harper's Ferry With Legends of the Surrounding Country Joseph Barry

Sowing and Sewing A Sexagesima Story Charlotte Mary Yonge

Pledged to the Dead Seabury Quinn

Gerald Fitzgerald The Chevalier Charles James Lever

Jacob's Ladder Edward Phillips Oppenheim

Quest of the Golden Ape Randall Garrett

Recipes for Eatmor Fresh Cranberries Eatmor Cranberries

The Romance of War Inventions A Description of Warships, Guns, Tanks, Rifles, Bombs, and Other Instruments and Munitions of Warfare, How They Were Invented & How They Are Employed Thomas W. Corbin

Beobachtungen über Oesterreichs Aufklärung und Litteratur Aloys Blumauer

The Last of the Vikings John Bowling

Art Principles With Special Reference to Painting Together with Notes on the Illusions Produced by the Painter Ernest Govett

Velazquez Samuel L. Bensusan

Among the Wild Tribes of the Afghan Frontier A Record of Sixteen Years' Close Intercourse with the Natives of the Indian Marches Theodore L. Pennell

'Een vaste burg is onze God' de kerkhervorming herdacht op haar vierde eeuwfeest, 1517—31 October—1917 Betsy de Heer

Danger at the Drawbridge Mildred A. Wirt

Rambles and Studies in Greece J. P. Mahaffy

A Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales For girls and boys Nathaniel Hawthorne

North Devon Pottery and Its Export to America in the 17th Century C. Malcolm Watkins

Life of George Washington in Words of One Syllable Josephine Pollard

Triumphs of Invention and Discovery in Art and Science J. Hamilton Fyfe

Butterflies Worth Knowing Clarence M. Weed

Hunting in Many Lands The Book of the Boone and Crockett Club Various

The Psilent Partner Edward S. Staub

The Invader Alfred Coppel

Miss Million's Maid A Romance of Love and Fortune Bertha Ruck

Red Eagle and the Wars With the Creek Indians of Alabama. George Cary Eggleston

Abolition Fanaticism in New York Speech of a Runaway Slave from Baltimore, at an Abolition Meeting in New York, Held May 11, 1847 Frederick Douglass

De ruiters van Zuid-Afrika een verhaal uit de dagen van Jameson en Krugersdorp 1895-96 Louwrens Penning

Verloving en Huwelijk in vroeger dagen Laurentius Knappert

St. Dionysius of Alexandria Letters and Treatises Bishop of Alexandria

The American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 3, October, 1900 Various

All the Way to Fairyland Fairy Stories Evelyn Sharp

Famous Firesides of French Canada Mary Wilson Alloway

Si Klegg, Book 1 His Transformation From A Raw Recruit To A Veteran John McElroy

Premo Cameras 1914 Canadian Kodak Company

The Jolliest Term on Record A Story of School Life Angela Brazil

The Life and Public Services of James A. Garfield Twentieth President of the United States. Emma Elizabeth Brown

Ivanhoe (2/4) Le retour du croisé Walter Scott

The Three Eyes Maurice Leblanc

Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa Elphinstone Dayrell

The Secret of Sarek Maurice Leblanc

Tradicions religiosas de Catalunya Agna de Valldaura

For the School Colours Angela Brazil

Tempeste Ada Negri

Novelle e paesi valdostani Giuseppe Giacosa

Studies in Old Testament History Jesse Lyman Hurlbut

Magic In which are given clear and concise explanations of all the well-known illusions as well as many new ones. Ellis Stanton

Los cursos Pierre-Eugène Veber

Lest We Forget World War Stories John Gilbert Thompson

Ireland in the Days of Dean Swift Irish Tracts, 1720 to 1734 Jonathan Swift

Fly Fishing in Wonderland Klahowya

Tom and Maggie Tulliver George Eliot

Dal molino di Cerbaia a Cala Martina Notizie inedite sulla vita di Giuseppe Garibaldi Guelfo Guelfi

Martyr Alan Edward Nourse

Down-Adown-Derry A Book of Fairy Poems Walter De la Mare

The Planters of Colonial Virginia Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker

The Handbook of Conundrums Edith B. Ordway

Carnival Compton MacKenzie

A Pair of Schoolgirls A Story of School Days Angela Brazil

Mr Munchausen John Kendrick Bangs

How to Invest Money George Garr Henry

Among the Forest People Clara Dillingham Pierson

Mysteries of the Rosie Cross Or, the History of that Curious Sect of the Middle Ages, Known as the Rosicrucians; with Examples of their Pretensions and Claims as Set Forth in the Writings of Their Leaders and Disciples Anonymous

All the Days of My Life: An Autobiography The Red Leaves of a Human Heart Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr

The Blue Rose Fairy Book Maurice Baring

'Round the yule-log: Christmas in Norway Peter Christen Asbjørnsen

Glories of Spain Charles W. (William) Wood