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By: Fritz Leiber (1910-1992)

No Great Magic by Fritz Leiber No Great Magic

They were a traveling group of Shakespearean players; perfectly harmless, right? Wrong. For one thing, why did they have spacemen costumes in their wardrobes, right next to caveman ones? Why was the girl in charge of backstage suffering from amnesia and agoraphobia? No Great Magic is needed to perform the plays they put on, but sometimes great science. No matter where, or when.

Book cover What's He Doing in There?
Book cover Three Science Fiction Stories by Fritz Leiber

The Moon is Green, Bread Overhead and What's He Doing In There?! Three of the best known and loved Science Fiction short stories by the wonderful Fritz Lieber. Always tongue in cheek, and always with a funny twist, Leiber deftly shows how humans will adapt to or mess up the future. In ways that only humans can.

Book cover Bread Overhead

By: Charles Dudley Warner (1829-1900)

Being a Boy by Charles Dudley Warner Being a Boy

Warner's thoughtful and often humorous memoir of his life as a young farm-boy in Charlemont, Massachusetts. (Introduction by Mark Penfold)

Book cover Complete Essays
Book cover As We Were Saying
Book cover Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
Book cover American Newspaper
Book cover Summer in a Garden and Calvin, A Study of Character

This is Warner's contemplative and humorous account of the wondrous and mysterious workings of a garden he tended for 19 weeks. After this is a essay of remembrance for Warner's beloved cat, Calvin.

Book cover Washington Irving
Book cover Fashions in Literature
Book cover As We Go
Book cover Education of the Negro
Book cover Modern Fiction
Book cover That Fortune
Book cover Little Journey in the World
Book cover Their Pilgrimage
Book cover Causes of Discontent
Book cover Saunterings
Book cover The Golden House
Book cover Backlog Studies
Book cover What Is Your Culture to Me?
Book cover For Whom Shakespeare Wrote
Book cover Nine Short Essays
Book cover England
Book cover The Relation of Literature to Life
Book cover Diversities of American Life
Book cover Indeterminate Sentence
Book cover Equality
Book cover How Spring Came in New England
Book cover Literary Copyright

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